Welcome from the Dean and Head of School,

Professor Sharon Mascher


  Sharon Mascher

Welcome to the UWA Law School. Our School is situated on Whadjuk Noongar land, and we acknowledge that the Whadjuk Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land, and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.

Our award-winning teachers and researchers are national and international leaders across a variety of areas including corporate purpose and responsibility, health law, public law and criminology. They are champions of critical thought who produce impactful research that influences legal and regulatory frameworks and societal norms. 

Our students come from a diverse range of academic backgrounds and life experiences and together create a strong, respectful and supportive community. They are eager to learn, engage, and succeed in their chosen career.

Our curriculum offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate learning opportunities.

A hallmark of our Law School is an Indigenous-led process to transform our teaching and research spaces into culturally safe environments where Indigenous and non-Indigenous students can engage with different understandings of what law and justice is and with the imaginings that speak to what it could be.   

We hope you will join us and discover your place in the law.

Meet our faculty

Our courses

We provide world-class legal education from award-winning teachers who are leaders in their fields. Our courses include:

Undergraduate courses and majors

The UWA Juris Doctor

Postgraduate coursework

Postgraduate research courses

Executive education and CPD courses

Discover our research and researchers

Our research addresses current and emerging challenges, offering practical solutions informed by our international expertise and multidisciplinary studies. Discover the latest projects and publications from our staff and PhD students, the UWA Law Review and the Western Australian Law Teachers’ Review:

→ Our research publications

→ Our research engagement

→ UWA Law Review

→ Western Australian Law Teachers’ Review

→ Our researchers

  • Awards and achievements

    Tue, 4 Mar 2025

    The University of Western Australia has a continual roll call of awards, scholarships and prizes presented to staff and students.

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  • National awards recognise exceptional UWA educators

    Tue, 25 Feb 2025

    Four exceptional educators from The University of Western Australia have been recognised in the 2024 Australian Awards for University Teaching.

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  • Celebrating UWA's Australia Day Honours recipients

    Tue, 28 Jan 2025

    Western Australian-born High Court Justice James Edelman was one of only six Australians to be awarded the nation’s highest honour — the Companion of the Order of Australia — in this year’s Australia Day Honours.

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Visiting scholar program

We encourage scholars from Australia and overseas to undertake research at the UWA Law School for short term periods with a view to establishing and enhancing collaborative research relationships and to contributing to the academic and student life of the School. To be considered for the Visiting Scholars Program, please contact us below.

Contact us

Alumni, community and giving

We are proud of our history and that we maintain strong and enduring engagement with our community and our graduates, with a variety of opportunities for involvement, giving back, and just keeping up to date with School events and news.

Our legacy, community and impact 

female student using a laptop

Events and news

UWA Law School hosts a range of public events. Find out how you can get involved:
Enforcement Challenges Workshop

A collaboration between UWA Law School, UWA Public Policy Institute, and HFW

Date and time: 20 March 2025 | 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: HFW Perth, Brookfield Place – Tower 2
Remote attendance available

Join us for a half-day conference exploring enforcement challenges in the rapidly evolving digital commerce landscape. With increasing regulatory obligations on tech platforms and emerging enforcement complexities, this event will bring together leading experts to examine the effectiveness of Australia’s regulatory tools in an era of supranational corporate entities.

Register now

Energy Agreements Oil and Gas Alternative Energy and Sustainability
  • Unit date: 26-29 Aug 2025
  • Details: This three-day workshop (26, 28 and 29 August 2025) will appeal to lawyers and non-lawyers wanting to develop their understanding of the legal agreements which underpin the commercialisation of energy, including oil and gas and alternative energy. It aims is to explain and review the key provisions of contracts important to the commercial development of oil and gas, wind and solar against the background of a transition to more sustainable energy. The contracts considered include joint venture agreements, electricity and gas sales agreements, transportation and storage agreements and agreements for the development of wind and solar power.
  • Price: $3,000.00 incl. GST and booking fee. We invite registered charities to inquire about the discounted registration rates. Please contact [email protected] for further information. 
  • CPD: Full attendance at this short course entitles a practitioner up to 10 Legal CPD points. Points can be selected from Competency Area 2 (1 point available) and Competency Area 4 (16.5 points available) depending on the sessions they attend.

Further information and registration

George Winterton Memorial Lecture
The annual George Winterton Memorial Lecture commemorates the outstanding and lasting contribution of Professor George Winterton to constitutional law scholarship and teaching. The Lecture is usually hosted by The University of Sydney Law School, but every three years it is hosted by UWA Law School in recognition of Professor Winterton as an esteemed alumnus. The next Perth lecture will be held in 2027.
John Toohey Oration
The John Toohey Oration is a biannual Oration organised by the UWA Law School. The Oration, which commenced in 1998, honours the career and contribution to public life of a distinguished graduate of The University of Western Australia, the Hon. John Leslie Toohey. After graduating in Arts and Law, the Honourable John Leslie Toohey AC QC went on to become an outstanding legal practitioner and, as a Justice of the High Court of Australia, one of the country's most eminent jurists. The Oration is given by distinguished speakers on a variety of topics.

The most recent Toohey Oration was given by the Hon. Virginia Bell AC in September 2023. 

For more details about the Hon. John Toohey AC QC and details of past Oration speakers, visit the John Toohey Oration Lecture Series
Private and commercial law conference
The annual Private and Commercial Law Conference is held at the UWA Law School near the end of the year.
French Dialogues
The French Dialogues is a biennial event, named in honour of Hon. Robert French AC, former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia and former Chancellor of UWA.
The Dialogues consist of a cross disciplinary discussion by a panel of experts on a significant contemporary issue. In 2024, the Dialogues addressed the topic ‘Freedom of speech on Australian campuses – have we got the balance right?’.
Our newsletter
Alumni and community members who would like to receive copies of the newsletter should please update their details.

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UWA Law School, M253 University of WA
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley WA 6009

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