Decorative image of fish with time lapse effect

Western Australian Zebrafish Experimental Research Centre (WAZERC)

Established in early 2016, the Western Australian Zebrafish Experimental Research Centre (WAZERC) is an initiative in collaboration with the Australian Research Council (ARC) and Edith Cowan University (ECU) that brings together the resources required to support and develop research capability focusing on a range of developmental and regulatory models using zebrafish.

This capability features stringent quality control measures, quarantine requirements and the use of robotic feeders in the delivery of controlled diets for establishing the regular supply of imported, genetically modified zebrafish and the highest standards of zebrafish care for research purposes in Western Australia.

Facilities and equipment

UWA Animal Care Services hosts an AAALAC accredited zebrafish research facility within the Biomedical Research Facility:

  • 4000 litre, 400 tanks, 10 fish per litre
  • Barcoded Inventory Management
  • OGTR PC-2 Aquatic Facility
  • Biosecurity Approved Arrangement 7.7 Compliant
  • Importation and clearance of embryos and larvae from international collaborators
  • Use of CRISPR/CAS9 recombinant technologies to develop novel translational research models
  • Access to laboratory and support equipment and space

Email us

Associate Director
Ms Simone Chapple

Senior Technician in Charge
Mr Ben Ezzy

Facility Coordinator
Ms Lisa Kenchington

Further information

American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care logo
ARC logo
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