About Us
The UWA Podiatry Clinic is a university-delivered podiatric facility based in Perth, covering a range of foot and ankle conditions.

our team
A team of experts
Our staff consists of highly-qualified general and specialist surgeons who have a wealth of experience and are trained in all the latest technologies ensuring you and your family receive the best foot care services and treatments.
Your experience comes first
At the UWA Podiatry Clinic we care about the health and wellbeing of all of our patients, and of the wider WA community. Our treatments are evidence-based, backed by the latest up-to-date research in the Podiatric Medicine & Surgery disciplines.
Our students and practitioners consult with specialists in a variety of fields, and regularly travel all over WA to gather experience and evidence from diverse clinical settings. We do this to ensure we’re providing the community with the highest standards of clinical care.

Our clinic and facilities
State-of-the-art clinic
Our clinic comprises of a suite of rooms with individual functions and is open to students, staff and members of the public. Whilst referrals are not necessary bookings are essential.
As a teaching facility, UWA’s postgraduate students in podiatric medicine are able to provide treatment to patients under expert supervision of registered practicing podiatrists at a reduced fee. The clinics contain ultra-sound units, shockwave machine, laser and a fluoroscope for X-rays.
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