Programs, Scholarships and Fellowships
Our ongoing research is greatly supported by valued contributors
Discover the impact their assistance provides and how to apply

Innovation Programs

The McCusker Charitable Foundation
With the support of The McCusker Charitable Foundation, the Noisy Guts Project has made significant progress toward using bowel sounds to diagnose and monitor common gut disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn's disease. Preliminary studies have achieved promising results, diagnosing IBS with 87% accuracy.
The Marshall Centre thanks The McCusker Charitable Foundation for their support.

The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation
The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation provided funding to purchase the PacBio II long-read sequencer to enhance microbial genetics/microbiome research capacity. With this machine, DNA sequencing capabilities for WA scientists can be performed more quickly, cheaply and with a high accuracy.
The Marshall Centre thanks the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation for their support.
Donors make a significant positive impact in the lives of our students and in our local and global community. We honour and acknowledge these donors and their belief in UWA’s teaching and research, thank you!

A number of scholarships have been made possible thanks to the contribution of our generous partners. See how these scholarships are continuing further research at the Marshall Centre.
The Amanda Young Foundation Scholarship
The Amanda Young Foundation Scholarship
The Amanda Young Foundation is a non-profit community organisation dedicated to reducing deaths in WA from meningococcal disease. The Foundation was formed by Barry and Lorraine Young in 1998 following the tragic death of their daughter Amanda from meningococcal septicaemia at the age of 18.
The Foundation has supported multiple projects at The Marshall Center. Funding by the Foundation allowed Shakeel Mowlaboccus to undertake an epidemiology study of meningococcal disease over the past 15 years in Western Australia.
For more information, contact the Marshall Centre
The Erika and Wylie Gibbons Post Graduate Medical Scholarship
The Erika and Wylie Gibbons Post Graduate Medical Scholarship
The Erika and Wylie Gibbons Post Graduate Medical Scholarship commenced 2022 and will continue to be funded in perpetuity by The Trustee for Erika Gibbons Wife of Wylie Masonic Memorial Trust Fund.
The Erika and Wylie Gibbons Postgraduate Medical Scholarship was established by the trustees of the Sibyl Gibbons, wife of Wylie, Masonic Memorial Trust, guided by the wishes of Dr Wylie Gibbons OSM MStJ MBBS(Qld) MS FRCS(Edin) FRACS MCICD(Rome), just prior to his death in August 2021. Erika was Wylie’s second wife and this new scholarship complements the Sibyl Gibbons Wife of Wylie Post Graduate Medical Scholarship that was established after Sibyl passed in 2008.
Dr Gibbons established an enduring friendship with Nobel Laureate Professor Barry Marshall, after Professor Marshall assisted Dr Gibbons to publish his life’s work in the volume ‘Gastric Hypothermia for Major Haematemesis’ in 2017.
Professor Marshall admired the work of Dr Gibbons as a surgeon who led innovations in treatment of gastric haematemesis, prior to the cause of peptic ulcer being known.
The scholarship is to be awarded to postgraduate research students in financial need, to undertake a research project with the Marshall Centre for Infectious Diseases Research and Training at the University of Western Australia in the field of biomedical sciences (microbiology, immunology or related disciplines approved by relevant supervisor)
To discuss your proposed research with the Marshall Centre, contact [email protected]
To review scholarship details and application portal, visit https://www.uwa.edu.au/study/research/research-scholarships
This scholarship will be available in the round open 1 September 2022 – 31 October 2022
Watch Exploring the mind of Dr. Wylie Gibbons with Prof Barry Marshall
The Sibyl Gibbons Wife of Wylie Post Graduate Medical Scholarship
The Sibyl Gibbons Wife of Wylie Post Graduate Medical Scholarship
The Sibyl Gibbons Post Graduate Medical Scholarship commenced 2018 and will continue to be funded in perpetuity by The Trustee for Sibyl Gibbons Wife of Wylie Masonic Memorial Trust Fund.
The Masonic Memorial Trust Fund is a small charity helping financially disadvantaged people, those at risk of or experiencing homelessness, people with disabilities, and victims of disaster. They have provided emergency relief to patients needing walking aids and home alterations, victims of fire and drought, and currently sponsor a post graduate medical scholarship.
The Scholarship is awarded to a recipient who has the necessary ability and passion to do great research work but lacks the funds to pursue this. The scholarship is open to all genders and nationalities. The recipient will be a qualified Graduate who does not have the means to proceed without financial assistance. The recipient should also fulfill the basic object of the ‘Trust’ which is to assist the needy, feed the hungry, clothe the naked.
A new recipient will be selected every four years or when the incumbent recipient has completed their post graduate studies. The scholarship totals $10,000 per year. Professor Barry Marshall will personally select the recipient of the Sibyl Gibbons Wife of Wylie Post Graduate Medical Scholarship.
To review scholarship details and application portal, visit https://www.uwa.edu.au/study/research/research-scholarships
This scholarship will be available in the round open 1 September 2022 – 31 October 2022
For more information, contact Postgraduate Research Scholarship Enquiries
Watch Exploring the mind of Dr. Wylie Gibbons with Prof Barry Marshall
Richard Thomas Bonfield Green Elective Scholarship in Microbiology
Richard Thomas Bonfield Green Elective Scholarship in Microbiology
Dr Richard Green bequeathed funds to The University of Western Australia to provide scholarships to encourage and assist high-achieving eligible students to undertake an approved summer vacation research project through the School of Biomedical Sciences.
This scholarship is for $2500 and may be held concurrently with any other scholarship or award, provided that this is permitted by the concurrent scholarship or award.
The current recipient of the Scholarship is Mr Christopher Peh Cheng Rui
For more information, contact Postgraduate Research Scholarship Enquiries

Australia-China Helicobacter Research Fellowship
Australia-China Helicobacter Research Fellowship
The UWA Helicobacter Research Laboratory is a world-leading authority in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). The international partnership developed between the UWA Helicobacter Research Laboratory and the Australia-China Council (ACC) will advance research into the infection that is the main cause of stomach ulcers.
The Australia-China Helicobacter Research Fellowship offers exceptional Chinese medical scientists the opportunity to work alongside world-leading bacterium researchers. The four-week program is available to Chinese medical scientists, clinicians and researchers. The successful candidates will undertake specialist training in H. pylori culturing, sequencing and analysis, along with an introduction to research at UWA.
The program dates will coincide with UWA Winter School in July/August. Three (3) scholarship placements are available per year, which waive the AU$15,000 program costs.
Watch our 2022 Australia-China Helicobacter Researchers share their experience:
For more information please contact Alfred Tay.
The Le Souef Fellowship
The Le Souef Fellowship
The fellowship was established through the generosity of Marjorie Le Souef and commemorates her husband the late Dr Leslie Le Souef. The current recipient of the Fellowship is Dr Mitali Sarkar-Tyson
Dr Sarkar-Tyson's research focus is on the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei which causes the tropical disease melioidosis, endemic in northern Australia and South East Asia. Burkholderia pseudomallei is resistant to many classes of antibiotics, making the development of novel medical countermeasures an important priority.
“The Fellowship is an exciting opportunity for me to further my interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms by which bacteria cause disease in humans and animals”

The Shellam Fund for Research in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at UWA
The Shellam Fund for Research in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
In memory of Professor Geoffrey Shellam, Professor of Microbiology at The University of Western Australia (1985- June 2015) and Co-Director of The Marshall Centre for Infectious Diseases Research and Training (2007-2015). Professor Shellam was renowned internationally for his significant work in infectious diseases, microbiology and immunology.
The Shellam family, friends and colleagues have launched the Shellam Fund for Research in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. This fund commemorates Professor Shellam's exceptional lifelong commitment to improving human health.
The winner of the 2022 Shellam Fund for Research in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases is Dr Nicole Bzdyl. Watch her full award testimonial here: