Rosalie Primary School Activity

Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery Art has worked together with Rosalie Primary School as a Community Partner on art and education projects since 2015.

The Sculptures by the School is an inventive project by Rosalie PS for young people to learn more about the effects of bush fires on Australian wildlife and to ignite their own creativity.


Sculptures by the School 2020

A project by Rosalie Primary School

In response to the devastation from the 2019-2020 bush fires across Australia, Rosalie Primary School developed this unique project.

For the project, students were encouraged to research and discuss the effects of the bush fires on Australian animals and to then explore their own artistic talents to create a sculpture that reflects what they learned and how they felt. 

Online Gallery

Explore the students' sculptures in the Online Gallery HERE.


Get creative and try doing the project yourself by following these simple guidelines from the Rosalie PS teachers!

  • Research and discuss the effects of the bush fires on Australian animals
  • Create a sculpture that reflects what you learned and how you feel
  • Your sculpture should be made using only recycled materials (eg, cardboard, paper rolls, milk cartons, bottle caps, wood off-cuts, tin cans etc)
  • Sculptures should be free-standing and safe to display with no sharp edges
  • Write a brief statement about the inspiration behind your sculpture

Koala sculpture


LWAG + Rosalie Primary School Partnerships

2019: ASTRONOMY AND ART: PARTNERSHIP PROJECT: a yearlong Art and STEM research and workshop based project resulting in the exhibition Astronomy and Art: Partnership Project, with Campus Partners: LWAG, Maths, ICRAR, and GSE and Community Partners: Rosalie Primary, Osborne Primary and Halls Creek District High.

2016: POSTERS!! ROSALIE PRIMARY SCHOOL AND LWAG an exhibition and open day event with Years 4-6 students discussing their own posters and communicating ideas important to them. This followed a workshop about posters under the guidance of Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art Curator, Gemma Weston.

2016: EXPLORING ART WITH ROSALIE PRIMARY SCHOOL AND LWAG, an exhibition and open day event exploring Modernism in art. Curated by the students, selected from the University of Western Australia Art Collection and Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art.

2015: An education program with Years 4-6 related to the exhibition Yirrkala Drawings: Works on Paper. Themes included study of Macassans in Australia and Yolgnu culture through discussing the artworks.