From the Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art
Cristina Asquith BAKER, Gemma BEN-ARY, Dorothy BRAUND, Lina BRYANS, Mary EDWARDS, Linda FARDOE, Margaret FRANCIS, Adrienne GAHA, Bessie GIBSON, Melissa McDOUGALL, Clare McFARLANE, Gina MOORE, Margaret MORGAN, Maisie NEWBOLD, Susan NORRIE, Kathleen O’CONNOR, Jean SUTHERLAND, Eveline SYME, Yvette WATT, Julie WILSON-FOSTER, Sue WYATT
12 February– 10 December 2022
This exhibition draws upon two of the strengths of the Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art – portraiture and the work of respected Australian artist, Susan Norrie. Norrie’s dark and weighty paintings are placed directly opposite a chronological run of portraits from the collection.
Media release
Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art media release [PDF 294KB]
From the Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art catalogue [PDF 1.10MB]
Collection research project
Susan Norrie research project [PDF 357KB]
Image credit: Clare McFarlane, Vision stance (self portrait) (detail), 1997, oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, courtesy and copyright of the artist