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Gledden Visiting Fellows

The Gledden Visiting Fellowships are part of the estate bequeathed to the University by Robert John Gledden (1855-1927).

The purpose of this Fellowship is to support global research collaborations by providing funding to bring outstanding researchers to UWA to conduct research with a UWA host.

Gledden Visiting Fellowships are open to researchers who have doctoral degrees or equivalent qualifications or experience, and who are mid-career or senior researchers.

Previous Fellowships have been awarded to researchers in diverse research fields, including chemical and material engineering, soil science and mining restoration, freshwater ecosystems, urban and development geography, and geophysics.


For 2024/25 the Gledden Visiting Fellowship award offers up to $25,000 for a maximum 16-week residency. The award provides funding support to assist with:  

  • a round-trip economy class airfare (capped at $5,000),
  • cost of Visa for travel to Australia, and
  • a living allowance of AUD$1,250 per week, inclusive of accommodation expenses. (Funding is not provided for accompanying family.)



History of the Robert and Maude Gledden Visiting Fellowships

In 1927, the University received about £55,000 from a public benefactor, Mr Robert John Gledden (1855-1927). Mr Gledden moved to Australia in 1890 and was licensed as a surveyor in Queensland. He came to Perth in 1892, and after practising for a few months as a surveyor, was asked by the then Minister of Lands, W. Marmion, to take charge of mining surveys at Coolgardie. He made a preliminary survey there and about a year later laid out the site of Kalgoorlie. He retired in 1900 and spent much time travelling with his wife Maude, before settling at Caulfield, near Melbourne.

After his wife died in 1921, he continued to travel but kept his interest in Western Australia. He was a good businessman and made money largely out of investing in land in Western Australia. He died in Perth on 5 November 1927.

With no heirs, Mr Gledden's will provided that the whole of his residue estate should go to the University in trust to provide scholarships beginning ten years after his death. As far as it is known, he had no previous contact with the University before his death.

Robert Gledden stipulated that the income from his estate should be used "for the promotion and encouragement of education at such University to provide for scholarships in applied science, more particularly relating to surveying, engineering, mining or cognate subjects". He also expressed the hope that "one at least of such scholarships will be a travelling scholarship". The bequest initially provided for two annual travelling science fellowships of £750. They were named the Robert and Maude Gledden Travelling Fellowships in honour of himself and his wife. The first Gledden Fellowship was awarded in 1939. It would not be awarded again until 1945 due to the Second World War.

Gledden Visiting Fellows Awarded in 2023

Gledden Visiting Fellowships support global research collaborations by providing funding to bring outstanding researchers to UWA. 18 Gledden Visiting Fellowships were awarded in 2023 for visits in 2024. The IAS is pleased to announce the following scholars as the 2024 Gledden Visiting Fellows:  

  • Professor Jeffrey Vervoort, Professor of Isotope Geochemistry, Washington State University
    UWA Host: Associate Professor Anthony Kemp, School of Earth Science
  • Professor Huanyu (Larry) Cheng, Penn State University
    UWA Host: Professor Xiaozhi Hu, Mechanical Engineering
  • Professor Martin Whitehouse, Swedish Museum of Natural History
    UWA Host: Associate Professor Anthony Kemp, School of Earth Science, Centre for Exploration Targeting
  • Associate Professor Maciej Bartosiewicz, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Science
    UWA Hosts: Professor Anas Ghadouani Dr Leah Coggins, Engineering
  • Dr Duncan Hickman, Tektonex Ltd
    UWA Host: Professor Dilusha Silva, Engineering
  • Professor Derek Elsworth, Penn State University
  • Professor Quan Gan, Chongqing University
  • Professor Enzhi Wang, Tsinghua University
  • Professor Wancheng Zhu, Northeastern University
    UWA Host: Professor Jishan Liu Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering
  • Dr Suruchi Roychoudhry, University of Leeds, UK
    UWA Hosts: Professor Ryan Lister & Dr James Lloyd - School of Molecular Sciences, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plants of Space
  • Professor Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, University of Florida
    UWA Host: Professor Charitha Pattiaratchi, Coastal Oceanography, Oceans Graduate School & The UWA Oceans Institute
  • Dr Jonathan Warrick, Pacific Coast & Marine Science Centre, U.S Geological Survey
    UWA Host: Associate Professor Jeff Hansen, School of Earth Sciences, Oceans Institute
  • Dr Nestor Bosch, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
    UWA Host: Professor Thomas Wernberg, Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre, School of Biological Sciences
  • Associate Professor Zhengshun Cheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    UWA Host: Dr Wenhua Zhao, Oceans Graduate School
  • Professor Mohamed Darouach, University de Lorraine
    UWA Host: Professor Tyrone Fernando, Engineering/Power and Clean Energy (PACE) Research Group
  • Professor Sitikantha Roy, Department of Applied Mechanics & School of Artificial Intelligence
    UWA Host: Winthrop Professor Karol Miller, Intelligent Systems for Medicine Laboratory
  • Associate Professor Bin Bin Li, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen International Graduate School, Institute for Ocean Engineering
    UWA Host: Dr Wenhua Zhao, Oceans Graduate School
  • Associate Professor Daniel McGehee, Driving Safety Research Institute
    UWA Host: Professor Teresa Senserrick, WA Centre for Road Safety Research, School of Psychological Science

Past Robert and Maude Gledden Visiting Fellowships Awarded

  • 2023 Robert and Maude Gledden Visiting Fellows - Awarded in 2022
    • Associate Professor Ashlee Dere, University of Nebraska Omaha
      HOST: Dr Talitha Santini, School of Agriculture and Environment
    • Professor Elhem Ghorbel, CY Cergy Paris Université
      HOST: Professor Ali Karrech, Engineering
    • Emeritus Professor Jeffrey Gordon, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
      HOST: Professor Hui Tong Chua, Chemical Engineering
    • Associate Professor Ludek Hyncik, University of West Bohemia
      HOST: Professor Adam Wittek, Mechanical Engineering
    • Dr Aurelien Ponte, researcher, Physical Oceanography, French Institute of Research for the Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER)
      HOST: Associate Professor Nicole L Jones, UWA Oceans Institute
    • Dr Elena Vedmedenko, Department of Physics, University of Hamburg
      HOST: Professor Mikhail Kostylev, Physics
  • 2022 Robert and Maude Gledden Visiting Fellowships - Awarded in 2021

    Only one award was made in 2021 due to constraints caused by COVID-19 precautions.

    • Jing (Jin) Jiang, Ph.D., P.Eng. Distinguished University Professor, NSERC/UNENE Senior Industrial Research Chair in Control, Instrumentation, and Electrical Systems, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Western Ontario
      HOST: Professor Ho Ching Iu, School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
  • 2021 Robert and Maude Gledden Visiting Fellowships - Awarded in 2020
    • Dr Georges Beaudoin, Professor of Economic Geology, Université Laval, Québec Canada
      HOST: Associate Professor Marco Fiorentini, School of Earth Sciences
    • Mohamed Darouach, Professor of Exceptional class 2 (Distinguished Professor), University of Lorraine
      HOST: Professor Tyrone Fernando, School of Engineering
    • Dr James L. Hench, Associate Professor of Oceanography, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
      HOST: Dr Ryan J. Lowe, UWA Oceans Institute, School of Earth Sciences
    • Professor Stefan Pfeiffer, University of Bayreuth
      HOST: Professor Carolyn Oldham, School of Engineering
    • Dr Johanna Rosman, Associate Professor, Physical Oceanography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
      HOST: Dr Nicole L. Jones, Associate Professor, UWA Oceans Institute Graduate School
  • 2020 Robert and Maude Gledden Visiting Fellowships - Awarded in 2019
    • Dr Cayelan Carey, Virginia Tech
      HOST: Associate Professor Matt Hipsey, School of Agriculture and Environment
    • Professor Mark Thompson, The University of Southern California
      HOST: Professor George Koutsantonis, School of Molecular Sciences
    • Professor Griffiths, D. Vaughan, Colorado School of Mines
      HOST: Professor Yuxia Hu , School of Engineering, Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering
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