Recognition of excellence
High-achievers’ concert
High-Achiever Concert Series | Preliminary – Grade 8
AMEB WA encourages candidates with outstanding results through its High Achiever Concert Series. Performing and sharing one’s craft is a vital component of developing artistic talent and building community within the arts. This series offers candidates the opportunity to perform in a professional venue amongst family and peers.
Candidates achieving excellent results (A+) in grades 4 and above will be invited to perform in the High Achievers’ Concert series. These concerts replace the previous certificate award ceremony. This performance opportunity seeks to offer a platform to acknowledge achievement, develop performance skills, and celebrate candidates and their teachers. A+ candidates will receive an invitation to perform via their enroller for scheduled concerts.
Candidates achieving excellent results (A+) in grades Preliminary to Grade 3, are warmly invited with their guardians to attend these concerts to inspire and encourage their love of music and the arts.
The Annual Awards Ceremony | Associate and Licentiate Diplomas
For Diploma Candidates, the WA Annual Award Ceremony recognises the outstanding achievement of candidates across all syllabi. Candidates are welcome to wear academic gowns as they process and are awarded their diplomas. Recipients of major annual prizes are also invited to this ceremony to receive their award and recognition.
Invitations to this award ceremony are issued early in the year immediately proceeding the calendar year of achievement. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Jude Holland (AMusA 2019 and LMusA 2020) with his winning performance in the 2021 finals of the prestigious Vose Concerto Competition with the UWA Symphony Orchestra on stage at the Perth Concert Hall.
Prizes and publications

Awards for excellence
In addition to the High Achiever Concert and Annual Award Ceremony, AMEB WA is proud to recognise outstanding results in both Music and Speech & Drama examinations. To achieve an Award of Excellence, candidates have achieved an A+ result. These exceptional outcomes represent a level of skill development that deserves acknowledgement. Candidates are published in the Annual AMEB Awards booklet (available online).
In Music, candidates must demonstrate excellent achievement meeting syllabus objectives in all sections, including performance flair, consistent technical fluency and penetrating stylistic insight. Similarly, candidates in Speech and Drama must demonstrate exceptional achievement in all areas of performance. Theory exam candidates must achieve a score of 100% in grades 1-3, and over 95% in the following grades.
Recipients of our coveted AMEB Associate and Licentiate diplomas must demonstrate an outstanding degree of technical and interpretative mastery in Music and achieve a professional level of presentation in Speech and Drama.
The following prizes are recognised in the Annual AMEB Awards booklet published on the AMEB website and may be awarded in person at an Awards Ceremony (when held), in respect of examinations undertaken during the previous year. Not all prizes are awarded every year.
- Owen Fisenden Award, Certificate and $200 - Best performance by a 5th/6th Grade flautist.
- The AMEB (WA) Prize, Certificate and $200 - Best 7th Grade Performance (in the order of) Brass instruments, Woodwind instruments, excluding flute, Classical Guitar.
- The AMEB (WA) Prize, Certificate and $200 - Best performance by a Certificate of Performance candidate (preference will be given to less common instruments).
- A J Leckie Award in association with the West Australian Music Teachers’ Association (WAMTA), Certificate and $300 - Best Associate Diploma (AMusA) candidate.
- The J B Vincent Memorial Award, Certificate and $600 - Best Licentiate Diploma (LMusA) candidate.
- The Australian Strings Association (AUSTA) WA John Dean Award, Certificate and $200 - Best performance by a 7th/8th Grade strings candidate.
- The Australian Strings Association (AUSTA) National Graham Wood OAM Award, Certificate and $500 - Best LMusA or AMusA Diploma candidate in orchestral strings (in the order of double bass, viola, violoncello and violin).
- The Speech and Drama Teachers’ Association of WA (SDTAWA) Award, Certificate and $300 - Best Speech and Performance Diploma candidate.
- The Anita Le Tessier Award, Certificate and $200 - Best Speech and Performance Certificate candidate.
- The Christopher Latham Memorial Award, Certificate and $250 – Most Musically Outstanding Performance Grade 5 Violin, Viola, Clarinet and Piano.
Get in touch
The WA State Office is located on the Claremont campus of The University of Western Australia, on the corner of Princess and Goldsworthy Roads in Claremont. The office is at the eastern end of the stone heritage-listed building. Visitors are asked to park in Car Park 2 (paid parking) accessible from Goldsworthy Road and to please observe and comply with all signage.
Office location
UWA Claremont Campus
Cnr Princess and Goldsworthy Roads, Claremont WA 6010
Open Monday to Friday
Mailing address
The University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009