Exam Information
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Enroller's Handbook
Welcome to the 2024 AMEB WA Enrollers’ Handbook! This comprehensive guide is designed to assist enrollers in navigating the steps and responsibilities associated with enrolling your candidates in AMEB examinations.
Enrollers accept all policies, terms and conditions outlined in this Handbook upon enrolment; so whether you're a seasoned enroller or new to the world of AMEB examinations, this handbook is a valuable resource that will help you effectively carry out your enroller responsibilities and meaningfully contribute to the success of your candidates.
Attending an Exam
For a full review of policies and procedures for attending an examination, please refer to the Enrollers’ Handbook.
Here at the AMEB, we want every candidate to have the best experience. To help prepare for your exam, we've created a helpful list to help guide you!Â
Preparing for an examination
To ensure a affirmative experience, we encourage enrollers and parents to take into consideration their candidate's age and development when selecting a suitable grade.
Practical examinations are defined in the current year's Manual of Syllabuses and are conducted under examination conditions. AMEB WA examiners assess the performance they hear on the day against the Regulations, Grading Descriptors and Syllabus Objectives for the grade, as outlined in that year's Manual of Syllabuses.
It is important to know it is the responsibility of the candidate, teacher and/or parent to be aware of the syllabus requirements for the examination. This includes having instruments and materials prepared accordingly and ready for performance prior to entering the examination room.
As per the national policies and guidelines, examiners and supervisors cannot assist with preparing instruments (unless stipulated otherwise in the syllabus) or rectify any non-compliance with the syllabus.
Practice sessionsPlease contact the office to schedule practice times. A free practice session is available for diploma candidates and at a cost of $15 per 30 minutes for other grades. Please note practice times are subject to room availability.
Care and supervision of candidates
Please be mindful that parents and guardians are responsible for the care and supervision of candidates younger than 18 years of age at all times during attendance at and travel to and from the examination venue. For some candidates, this includes authorising and making arrangements for a responsible adult other than the parent/guardian to supervise on their behalf.
AMEB staff may give direction to candidates attending the venue to facilitate the conduct of examinations or other services. In the case of inappropriate behaviour, AMEB staff may direct a person to leave the premises at any stage if they are concerned or believe it is in the interests of the safety or wellbeing of a person or others, and/or to ensure the proper conduct of AMEB business.
All AMEB WA examiners hold current Working with Children Check cards.
Attendance at practical examinations
It is a requirement that Candidates arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled examination and be ready to start their examination within this time. At times, examinations may run a little early. Please be mindful of your arrival time as numerous examinations are scheduled in a block.
Please be advised that a late arrival will likely mean a candidate has missed their examination slot. All costs of conducting the examination are incurred regardless of a candidate presenting. Failure to attend on time on for scheduled examination day will result in the candidate forfeiting their examination fee.
Pre-examination warm-up/tuning room
When facilities and time permit, tuning rooms are provided for the purpose of a 5-minute warm-up and/or tuning of instrument. An accompanist or associate artist may enter the tuning room with a candidate.
When possible and desired, an AMEB staff member escort candidates for a 5-minute warm-up prior to their examination (or 15 minutes before a diploma examination).
Please note candidates will not have sufficient time to rehearse a program. Final rehearsals with an associate artist/accompanist should be conducted prior to attending an examination. We ask that this is respected as refusal to rehearse may offend.
In general, the Copyright Act prohibits the use of photocopied music, and original music should be used by candidates for AMEB examinations. Candidates are permitted to use photocopies for ease of page turning, or to supply the examiner with a copy of non-current Manual of Syllabus music, however the original music from which the copy was made, must be in the examination room. Prior to attending the exam, the enroller must complete the online APRA/AMCOS Copyright Declaration or complete the linked form.
If you are unsure of the provisions of the Copyright Act please refer to the Guide to Music Copyright for Australian Educators on the Australasian Performing Right Association/Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society, www.apraamcos.com.au or contact APRA/AMCOS on 1300 852 388 or [email protected].
Proof of identification
All candidates sitting examinations for Grade 8 and above must present photographic identification to the AMEB supervisors.
All candidates sitting Rockschool examinations Grade 6 and above must present photographic identification to the AMEB supervisors.
Identification options are:
- school identification card
- university student card
- passport
- driver licence
- AMEB Photo ID form
- Rockschool Photo ID form
Grade 8+ AMEB and Grade 6+ Rockschool candidates who present without photographic identification must send a certified copy of their identification to the AMEB State Office within 48 hours of sitting the examination. AMEB WA reserves the right to withhold results until receipt of relevant identification.
Use of electronic or digital devices or resources
Candidates must ensure their equipment is in working order and all resources are ready for the start of a scheduled examination.
To ensure a positive experience, it is strongly suggested, prior to attendance, candidates check/test their devices or electronic or digital resources are working as intended, and where relevant, are compatible with any AMEB WA requirements. This applies, to laptops, tablets, PowerPoint presentations, speakers, recordings or supporting resources of any type.
AMEB WA has USB-A to HDMI and USB-C to HDMI adapters available in Claremont campus for speech candidates’ seeking to connect their laptops to the data projector.
Candidates should ensure they are very familiar with equipment and know how to troubleshoot common issues to avoid delays in presentation.
Please note is not the role of AMEB WA supervisors or examiners to provide IT support.
Recorded accompaniments
Accompaniment is required wherever the pieces presented are provided with piano accompaniments, with the exception of extra list pieces (refer to 'Accompanist' on page x in the general requirements Practical examinations section of the current year's Manual of Syllabuses).
Voice and all instrumental subjects (other than piano, accordion, organ, harp and classical guitar) are to be accompanied. Where AMEB recorded accompaniments are available, candidates may perform with these recordings in their examination as an alternative to using an accompanist if permitted in the syllabus requirements.
Note: We wish to advise candidates are responsible to provide and operate suitable equipment for the examination.
We recommend teachers take into account their candidate's age and technical ability when using recorded accompaniments and strongly recommend teachers ensure students have practised with their recorded accompaniment, including operating the equipment to ensure they can use it, prior to their exam. If a candidate is unable to use a device effectively, this may impact how much of their program is delivered in the allotted examination time and adversely impact their result. Across Australia, AMEB staff (including examiners) are not permitted to operate equipment or recordings during an examination.
Further information on recorded accompaniments is provided in the foreword of the relevant instrumental syllabus of the current year Manual of Syllabuses.
Candidates performing with recorded accompaniments must use the '100%' or 'performance' tempo.
Extra lists may be performed unaccompanied, even if written with accompaniment.
Recording examinationsAMEB WA does not record examinations for a number of reasons, including equity across regions, access issues and expense. Candidates or other parties are not permitted to film or record their own examinations.
TransfersAll transfer fees occur at 50% of the examination cost. Weekday transfers may be finalized up to and on the examination day, prior to the scheduled exam time. Weekend transfers must be finalized by 1pm on the Friday preceding. No transfers may occur from one examination year to the next.
Medical Transfer Requests
Upon presentation of a medical certificate, transfers are accepted at 50% of exam cost for no-shows on the day and up to 7 days after the exam.
General Information
All costs associated with conducting an exam (examiner, supervisor, venue hire, etc.) are incurred regardless of a candidate presenting. After an examination has been scheduled a transfer fee is required to change the examination date.
Candidates who do not present for an examination without prior notification regrettably forfeit their examination.
To request a transfer, please contact [email protected] or call 6488 3059.
RefundsRegrettably, no refunds are provided in the case of cancellations or withdrawals. Once an enrolment has been made, a transfer may only occur prior to an examination subject to space availability and payment of the transfer fee.
Download the AMEB CCTV Policy [PDF, 616KB]
AppealsAMEB WA has established procedures for addressing issues or concerns raised by teachers, parents and candidates. If you have an issue or concern, please email [email protected]
Individual Needs
AMEB WA is committed to providing inclusive and quality examinations for all candidates, including those with disabilities. We aim to provide all candidates with access to the examination process, to allow for the demonstration of skills. AMEB WA provides an environment that is safe, supportive and free from discrimination.
While AMEB WA provides reasonable adjustments tailored to meet their individual needs, all candidates will be assessed against the same examining standards as set out in the Manual of Syllabuses. AMEB WA must be advised of the candidate's special needs at the time of enrolment, or as soon as practicable after that time if a condition becomes apparent or worsens.
Current medical documentation of the candidate's disability/medical condition must be provided to AMEB WA on enrolment, either via an attachment in SCORE or via email to [email protected].
A request for individual needs must be submitted for each examination for which the candidate enrols.

Frequently asked questions
Parking at AMEB WA Claremont
During weekdays, paid parking is available in the Public carpark on the corner of Goldsworthy and Princess Roads. Please park in the white bays.
Parking is free on the weekend in UWA Claremont Campus carparks. Parking is also free on Melvista Avenue at College Park.
Get in touch
The WA State Office is located on the Claremont campus of The University of Western Australia, on the corner of Princess and Goldsworthy Roads in Claremont. The office is at the eastern end of the stone heritage-listed building. Visitors are asked to park in Car Park 2 (paid parking) accessible from Goldsworthy Road and to please observe and comply with all signage.
Office location
UWA Claremont Campus
Cnr Princess and Goldsworthy Roads, Claremont WA 6010
Open Monday to Friday
Mailing address
The University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009