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Centre for Water and Spatial Science 1920 x 864 header image Lower Kent River

Centre for Water and Spatial Science (CWSS)

About us

UWA's Centre for Water and Spatial Science (CWSS) provides evidence-based solutions to complex water and spatial challenges.

Through partnerships across industry, government, and non-governmental organizations, CWSS provides science-based solutions locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

The Centre for Water and Spatial Science's mission is to "Seek new water knowledge in a changing climate". CWSS is dedicated to understanding and addressing evolving environmental challenges.

The CWSS focuses on five themes:

  • Water in a Changing Climate
  • Resilient Landscapes
  • Catchment to Coasts
  • Data Driven Discovery and Spatial Analytics
  • Research Teaching Nexus

The changing climate challenges our ability to manage food and water security, economic wellbeing and the environment. Understanding catchments, rivers, aquifers, estuarine systems and coasts, and how they respond to the changing climate must be at the forefront of responding to this challenge. Spatial data, satellite data, drones, and translational research with industry underpin our ability to gain a deeper understanding of these issues.

Together we will identify solutions to the world's big problems.

What areas do we work in?

Our world-class research focuses on field and process understanding, modelling, and spatial sciences in collaboration with industry and end-users.

  • Surface water hydrology
  • Groundwater hydrology and hydrogeology
  • Freshwater ecology
  • Estuarine, near-coastal and freshwater aquatic ecology
  • Ecohydrology and land-water-atmosphere processes and interaction
  • Spatial sciences and remote sensing
  • Fluvial geomorphology
  • Emerging and novel techniques in water and spatial sciences
  • Field process research across water resources science and water-dependent processes
  • Water and water-dependent ecosystems modelling
  • Water resources science and management including e-flows and environmental water provision and catchment sustainability
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    Our people

    The Centre provides cross-School leadership and is the focal point of UWA's externally facing identity in the water and spatial sciences. The Centre is hosted within the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment. CWSS coordinates, promotes, and profiles the critical mass of world-class research capability and capacity at UWA by drawing together 14 UWA scientists across schools including SAgE (UWA School of Agriculture and Environment), School of Earth Sciences and Engineering (School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering).

    Co-Directors of the Centre for Water and Spatial Science

    The Centre for Water and Spatial Science (CWSS) has a highly diverse range of UWA staff from across multiple schools:

    Contact us

    Centre for Water and Spatial Science

    Address: Building 225 Geography and Geology, Level 1, Room 1.29, UWA Campus

    Phone: +61 8 6488 7669

    Email: [email protected]

    Office open: Mon-Fri, 8am–5pm

    Parking: Available in carpark 20 and carpark 19, rear of building

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