Asia-Pacific Family Business Symposium 2024

Event details


  • Online and in-person

Date and time

  • SMEs in Web3 Forum
    Wednesday 25 September
    4pm–6pm AWST (Perth WA Time)

    Virtual Symposium
    Wednesday 26 September 2024
    12pm AWST (Perth WA Time)


  • Researchers
  • Community
  • Professionals


  • Registration is essential

Asia-Pacific Family Business Symposium 2024
Event schedule

Virtual event
Wednesday 25 September, 4pm – 6pm AWST (Perth WA Time)
SMEs in Web3 Forum

In collaboration with the Western Australia WEB3 Association and the Global Fintech Institute, this event hosts “fireside chats” and case study presentations from academic and industry WEB3 technology experts on how SMEs use WEB3 technologies in their business. The event is moderated by Dr Andrzej Gwizdalski, WAWEB3 Chair and UWA Honorary Research Fellow with Prof David Lee Kuo, Global Fintech Institute Chair.

Forum programme 

Register here

Virtual Symposium
Thursday 26 September, 12pm AWST (Perth WA Time)

Family Business and Ecosystem Dynamics: Past, Present and Future

This event hosts presentations from academics, students and practitioners on research relevant to the Symposium theme and family business studies.
Keynote: “Family business entrepreneurship in different institutional settings.” 

Professor Nadine Kammerlander

Entrepreneurship is a prime influence in affecting the status of the entrepreneur, their family and community. Yet, entrepreneurship is itself vulnerable to policy and institutional settings. This presentation considers why these may foster differences for family business entrepreneurs in emerging and developing markets. Nadine Kammerlander leads the Institute for Family Business and Mittelstand (ifbm@WHU) as well as the Chair for Family Business at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. She also holds the role of Associate Dean for Diversity and Sustainability. Prof. Dr. Kammerlander is Associate Editor of the journals Family Business Review and Journal of Management and serves on the review board of several journals. Professor Kammerlander's research has been published in top-tier international journals and her research has received numerous national and international awards.

Professor Kammerlander is a 'Fellow' at the international association Family Firm Institute (FFI). Since 2018, she has also been a member of Wirtschaftswoche's "Best of Consulting" expert panel. Prof. Kammerlander was recognised as a Top 10 Business Researcher by Wirtschaftswoche in 2022 and as a Top 100 Global Family Influencer by Family Capital.

Symposium programme

Past Events:
Discuss Your Abstract
Thursday 28 March, 1.00pm AWST (Perth WA Time)

Associate Professor Donella Caspersz

Following a presentation by Associate Professor Donella Caspersz, participants will be able to discuss their abstract proposal with Donella. This event is suitable for those wishing to submit an abstract to the Symposium. Donella Caspersz is a published scholar in the field of family business studies and is a member of the Family Business Australia and New Zealand Education Committee. She is also a Deputy Editor, Special Issues on the Journal of Industrial Relations, and serves on the review committees of Family Business Review and AMLE.

Register here

Professional Development Workshop
Wednesday 3 April, 9.00am AWST (Perth WA Time) 
A Dialogue about Socioemotional Wealth

Professor Luis Gomez-Mejia 

Following a presentation by Professor Gomez-Mejia, Professor Francesco Chirico will moderate a dialogue between participants and Professor Gomez-Mejia about the construct socioemotional wealth and its relevance to family business studies. This session is suitable for academics, students and practitioners. Luis Gomez-Mejia is one of the most published authors among the "big eight" management journals, he has published more than 250 articles in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Administrative Science Quarterly, among others. Prior to entering academia, Professor Gomez-Mejia worked for eight years in human resources for the city of Minneapolis and Data Control Corp. He has also served as a consultant to numerous organisatons including IBM Corp., DuPont, and Honeywell International Inc. For the past seven years, he has consistently appeared in  the Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers list, ranking in the top one percent of researchers in economics and business worldwide.  

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