Modern Slavery
Cullen, H. (2020). Consultation on International Strategy on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, Submission to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
McGaughey, F. (2020). Australia's Modern Slavery Act and COVID19: a get out of jail free card? Journal of Modern Slavery, 5(2).
McGaughey, F., Cullen, H. & Faugno, R. (2020, 30 November). Australia’s World-First Repository of ‘Modern Slavery Statements’ a Step in the Right Direction. The Conversation.
McGaughey, F. (2020). Book review: Justine Nolan and Martijn Boersma, Addressing Modern Slavery. The Journal of Industrial Relations.
McGaughey, F., Bant, E., Faugno, R. & Cullen, H. (2020). Proposed WA Procurement Debarment Regime, Submission to Western Australian Government.
McGaughey, F., Cullen, H., Webb, D., & Caspersz, D. (2020). National Action Plan to Combat Modern Slavery 2020-2024, Submission to the Department of Home Affairs.
McGaughey, F., Maguire, A. & Larkin, D. (2020, 17 June). Think Slavery in Australia was all in the Past? Think Again. The Conversation.
Voss, H. (Leeds - Speaker) & Webb, D. (UWA MSRC - Speaker). (2020, 8 June). Understanding SME Engagement with the Modern Slavery Acts. Research & Innovation Blog [Audio podcast]. Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds.
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Bant, E., & Paterson, J. M. (2020). Rio Tinto and the anatomy of corporate culpability. Pursuit.
Barratt, T., Goods, C., & Veen, A. (2020). ‘I’m my own boss…’: Active intermediation and ‘entrepreneurial’ worker agency in the Australian gig-economy. Environment and Planning A, 1-19.
Barratt, T., Veen, A. & Goods, C. (2020, 24 August). Algorithms Workers Can’t See Are Increasingly Pulling the Management Strings. The Conversation.
Brandhorst, R., Baldassar, L., & Wilding, R. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue: “Transnational Family Care ‘On Hold’? Intergenerational Relationships and Obligations in the Context of Immobility Regimes”. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 18(3), 261-280.
Ford, M., Gillan, M., & Thein, H. H. (2020). Supranational grievance mechanisms and firm-level employment relations. Industrial Relations Journal, 51(4), 262-282.
Ford, M., Gillan, M., & Ward, K. (2020). Authoritarian innovations in labor governance: The case of Cambodia. Governance: an international journal of policy, administration, and institution.
Graycar, A., & Lindley, J. (2020). Corruption in fisheries and food security. Stretton Institute.
Israel, M., & Fozdar, F. (2020). The Ethics of the Study of Social Problems. In A. Marvasti, & A. J. Trevino (Eds.), Researching Social Problems (pp. 188-204). Routledge.
Lindley, J. (2020). Criminal Threats Undermining Indo-Pacific Maritime Security: Can International Law Build Resilience? Journal of Asian Economic Integration, 2(2), 206-220.
Lindley, J., & Techera, E. (2020). Controlling IUU fishing through problem-oriented policing. In S. Hufnagel, & A. Moiseienko (Eds.), Policing Transnational Crime: Law Enforcement of Criminal Flows (pp. 48-62). Routledge.
Lydon, J. (2020). A Secret Longing for a Trade in Human Flesh: the Decline of British Slavery and the Making of the Settler Colonies. History Workshop Journal, 1-23.
O'Brien, M. (2020). Freedom of Religion in the Genocidal Process and Group Destruction in the Holocaust and Armenian and Cambodian Genocides. In N. Marczak, & K. Shields (Eds.), Genocide Perspectives VI: The Process and the Personal Cost of Genocide (pp. 33-52). UTS ePRESS.
O'Brien, M. (2020). Rohingya Symposium: The Rohingya Cases before International Courts and the Crime of Genocide. Opinio Juris.
O'Brien, M., & Hoffstaedter, G. (2020). “There We Are Nothing, Here We Are Nothing!”: The Enduring Effects of the Rohingya Genocide. Social Sciences, 9(11), [209].
Smith, B., Goods, C., Barratt, T., & Veen, A. (2020). Consumer ‘app-etite’ for workers' rights in the Australian ‘gig’ economy. Journal of Choice Modelling, 38, [100254].
Southalan, J., & Noid, M. (2020). Mining: International Developments with Domestic Significance. In Mining and Resources Roundup (pp. 27-44). Legalwise Seminars Pty Ltd.
Southalan, J., & Noid, M. (2020). Tortious Liability for Subsidiaries. Brief, 47(6), 32.
Sumaila, U. R., Zeller, D., Hood, L., Palomares, M. L. D., Li, Y., & Pauly, D. (2020). Illicit trade in marine fish catch and its effects on ecosystems and people worldwide. Science Advances, 6(9), [eaaz3801].
Todd, P. A., Ellem, B. L., Goods, C., Rainnie, A. F., & Smith, L. A. (2020). Labour in global production networks: Workers and unions in mining engineering work. Economic and Industrial Democracy: an international journal, 41(1), 98-120.
Veen, A., Kaine, S., Goods, C., & Barratt, T. (2020). The ‘Gigification’ of Work in the 21st Century. In P. Holland, & C. Brewster (Eds.), Contemporary Work and the Future of Employment in Developed Countries (pp. 15-32). Routledge-Cavendish.
Modern Slavery
Cullen, H. (2019). The Evolving Concept of the Worst Forms of Child Labor. In J. Clark, & S. Poucki (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery (pp. 139). Sage Publications.
Lydon, J. (2019). British Slavery and Australian Colonisation. In I. Ness, & Z. Cope (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism (2 ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
McGaughey, F., Adams, K., Nolan, J., Cullen, H. & Marshall, S. (2019). OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises, Submission to the Australian National Contact Point (AusNCP).
McGaughey, F., DeJong, A., Marshall, S. & Nolan, J. (2019). Modern Slavery Act 2018 Draft Guidance for Reporting Entities, Submission to the Modern Slavery Business Engagement Unit. Australian Corporate Accountability Network (ACAN).
O’Brien, M. (2019). Gender and Forced Marriage in the International Criminal Justice System. Paper presented at Gender and Justice: Theory and Practice Across Contexts Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia.
O'Brien, M. (2019). Jurisprudential Evolution: Genocide and Forced Marriage in ECCC Case 002/02. Paper presented at Fourteenth Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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Ellem, B., Goods, C., & Todd, P. (2019). Rethinking Power, Strategy and Renewal: Members and Unions in Crisis. British Journal of Industrial Relations: an international journal of employment relations.
Goods, C. (2019). Australian business: Embracing, reconceptualising, or ignoring a just transition in Australia. In E. Morena, D. Krause, & D. Stevis (Eds.), Just Transitions: Social Justice in the Shift Towards a Low-Carbon World (pp. 76-94). (Just Transitions). Pluto Press.
Goods, C., Veen, A., & Barratt, T. (2019). “Is your gig any good?” Analysing job quality in the Australian platform-based food-delivery sector. Journal of Industrial Relations.
Humpage, L., Fozdar, F., Marlowe, J., & Hartley, L. (2019). Photovoice and refugee research: The case for a ‘layers’ versus ‘labels’ approach to vulnerability. Research Ethics, 15(3-4), 1-16.
Israel, M., & Fozdar, F. (2020). The Ethics of the Study of Social Problems. In A. Marvasti, & A. J. Trevino (Eds.), Researching Social Problems (pp. 188-204). Routledge.
Leung, E., & Caspersz, D. (2019). Chinese workers’ history: passive minds docile bodies. Journal of Management History, 25(3).
Lindley, J. (2019). Sustainably sourced seafood: A criminological approach to reduce demand for illegal seafood supply. In W. Leal Filho, & A. Consorte-McCrea (Eds.), Sustainability and Humanities (pp. 407-420). Springer.
Lindley, J., Percy, S., & Techera, E. (2019). Illegal Fishing and Australian Security. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 82-99.
Lindley, J., & Techera, E. (2019). Using routine activity theory to explain illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in the Indo-Pacific. In S. Hufnagel, & A. Moiseienko (Eds.), Criminal Networks and Law Enforcement: Global Perspectives On Illegal Enterprise (pp. 120-136). (Transnational Criminal Justice Series). Routledge.
Lindley, J., Webster, DG., & Techera, E. (2019). Extreme human behaviours affecting marine resources and industries. In E. Techera, & G. Winter (Eds.), Marine Extremes: Ocean Safety, Marine Health and the Blue Economy (1 ed., pp. 179-196). Routledge.
Morrow, K., & Cullen, H. (2019). Defragmenting Transnational Business Responsibility: Principles and Process. In B. Sjåfjell & C. Bruner (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability (Cambridge Law Handbooks, pp. 43-56). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108658386.008
Southalan, J. (2019). Business and Human Rights: relevance for WA lawyers. Brief, 46(1), 6-11.
Techera, E., & Winter, G. (2019). Addressing the challenges and harnessing the benefits of marine extremes. In E. Techera, & G. Winter (Eds.), Marine Extremes: Ocean Safety, Marine Health and the Blue Economy (pp. 219-225). (Earthscan Oceans). Routledge.
Techera, E., & Winter, G. (2019). Introduction to marine extremes. In E. Techera, & G. Winter (Eds.), Marine Extremes: Ocean Safety, Marine Health and the Blue Economy (pp. 3-9). (Earthscan Oceans). Routledge.
Techera, E., & Winter, G. (2019). Marine Extremes: Ocean Safety, Marine Health and the Blue Economy. (Earthscan Oceans). Routledge.
Thomas Travaille, K. L., Lindley, J., Kendrick, G. A., Crowder, L. B., & Clifton, J. (2019). The market for sustainable seafood drives transformative change in fishery social-ecological systems. Global Environmental Change, 57, [101919].
Veen, A., Barratt, T., & Goods, C. (2019). Platform-capital’s ‘App-etite’ for control: A labour process analysis of food-delivery work in Australia. Work, Employment and Society, 34(3), 388-406.
Veen, A., Oliver, D., Goods, C., & Barratt, T. (2019). The ‘gigification’ of work: Consideration of the challenges and opportunities. In R. D. Lansbury, A. Johnson, & D. van den Broek (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations: Actors and Institutions (1 ed., pp. 27-41). (Contemporary Issues in Work and Organisations). Routledge-Cavendish.
Zeller, D., & Pauly, D. (2019). Viewpoint: Back to the future for fisheries, where will we choose to go? Global Sustainability, 2, [e11].