"Changing the face of politics"
Pathways to Politics for Women

Pathways to Politics for Women at the University of Western Australia
Pathways to Politics for Women is increasing the number of women in Australian politics by equipping diverse women to boldly embrace their political ambitions, thrive as leaders and make a profound contribution to society.
Through comprehensive practical training, workshops, mentoring and career-long support, we provide unparalleled expertise for women who are serious about driving change through political leadership.
The program at the University of Western Australia will be run through the Centre for Public Value UWA and the UWA Public Policy Institute.
2024 WA Cohort
Women hailed from Albany to Broome and from across the political spectrum with aspirations for all levels of government. Our 2024 WA cohort delivered their inspiring stump speeches at Parliament House, showcasing their passion, commitment, and vision for a better future for all communities across WA. Bringing this program to life has been incredibly important in furthering the legacy of trailblazing women in politics and building a more inclusive and equitable democracy. We are thrilled to see the inspiring impact this program has had on this year's cohort, now empowered with the confidence and knowledge to run for office. We look forward to seeing these incredible women lead at all levels of government.
If you're a woman eager to make a difference - whether in mental health, social justice, climate action, or beyond - we encourage you to keep your eye out for the 2025 program applications and join the next wave of political leaders.
More Information
- Testimonials
"I continue to be impressed by the grounding that participants receive through Pathways to Politics about the nature of political life, its opportunities, and challenges. Having worked with several participants who were subsequently elected to the Victorian parliament, I can attest to the ground-breaking nature of the program and how it is helping to change the face of politics."
Samantha Ratnam MP, Leader of the Victorian Greens
"Pathways to Politics doesn't just bewail the undersupply of women in public office: it takes practical steps to address the problem, equipping women with the skills and confidence to get involved ... It's invaluable down payment on a better kind of politics."
Annabel Crabb, journalist and television presenter
"A fabulous and vitally important program providing women from a variety of backgrounds with the tools and the confidence to have a go and get elected. The program is candid about how challenging it is being in politics and how women, regardless of political persuasion, experience common challenges, but can work together to break down these barriers."
Bridget Vallence, Member for Evelyn and program alum
“Pathways to Politics equipped me with the knowledge, skills, networks and confidence to run for office. I had the privilege to connect and learn from a diverse group of experts, politicians, and most importantly, the cohort of passionate women dedicated to making positive change for their community.”
Skye Tito, NSW Labour Candidate for Sydney - Background
Inspired by the Harvard Kennedy School's "From Harvard Square to Oval Office" practicum, Pathways to Politics was initiated through the vision of Carol Schwartz AO, Chair of the Trawalla Foundation, who fundamentally believes in the value of more female leaders. For Carol, this is about optimising outcomes for our country by ensuring that men and women together share power, leadership and decision-making.
The foundational Pathways to Politics program launched at the University of Melbourne in 2016, followed by programs at QUT in 2019, UNSW in 2021, Charles Darwin University in 2022, the University of Adelaide and University of Canberra in 2023, and the University of Western Australia and University of Tasmania in 2024.
This network is led by the National Co-Convenors Sarah Buckley, CEO of the Trawalla Foundation, and Dr Meredith Martin, Director of the University of Melbourne's Pathways to Politics program. Each state/territory program also received strategic support and guidance from a local steering or advisory committee, drawing on the expertise of senior university representatives, politicians and Pathways alums.
- Impact
Since 2016, Pathways to Politics has helped more than 100 alums run for pre-selection and election. 64 electoral successes have been achieved nationally across the political spectrum and at all levels of government. There are more than 450 alums nationally, with a projected 1000 alums by 2026.
The Pathways to Politics UWA program has garnered significant media attention, reflecting its important in preparing women for political leadership at all levels of government. Coverage in The West Australian and Business News highlights the program's role in fostering diversity and equipping participants with critical skills to run for office.
Senator Dorinda Cox spoke in the Senate chamber about the Pathways to Politics for Women program at UWA. Her recognition of this vital initiative highlights the importance of empowering women in politics, and we're grateful to have her involvement as a member of the Advisory Committee for our WA program. Senator Cox's advocacy and support have been instrumental in inspiring and guiding the next generation of women leaders.
This exposure during the first year of the program at UWA underscores it's impact on empowering women and shaping a more representative and equitable political landscape.
- Frequently Asked Questions
What is Pathways to Politics for Women?
Pathways to Politics for Women is increasing the number of women in Australian politics by equipping diverse women to boldly embrace their political ambitions, thrive as leaders and make a profound contribution to society.
Through comprehensive practical training, workshops, mentoring and career-long support, Pathways to Politics for Women provides unparalleled expertise for women who are serious about driving change through political leadership.
Our proudly non-partisan program is uniquely designed and tailored to the Western Australian context. Participants gain first-hand insights from prominent politicians, advisors, speechwriters, and media trainers to give them confidence and clarity about their future in politics in a safe, supportive environment.
Programs are open to women across Australia. Program participation is fully funded through the generous support of philanthropic and university partners. Pathways to Politics for Women embraces an inclusive definition of 'women', acknowledging the diversity of women we work with and aim to support, including cisgender and transgender women, and non-binary people.
Do I need to be attending The University of Western Australia to apply?
To be eligible to apply for the program, you do not need to be enrolled at The University of Western Australia (UWA), be a graduate of the University, or hold any tertiary or higher education qualifications.
How many participants will there be?
The program at UWA accepts 20 participants in each annual intake.
How are participants selected?
Participants are selected on a competitive basis. Our selection process actively works to minimise barriers to entering politics, and prioritises community and professional experience. At the UWA program we emphasise that participants must have a commitment to seeking and running for elected office.
All participants are reviewed by a Selection Committee, which places a strong emphasis on multi-partisanship and equity in selection.
The program provides a safe space for women of diverse background, professions, cultures, and ideologies to fulfil their shared aspiration to pursue public office.
When do applications open?
Applications for our 2024 intake have now closed. Please join our Expression of Interest list to be notified when our 2025 applications open.
When does the program run and what's involved?
The 2025 program will be delivered as a face-to-face week intensive program during September.
Sessions are delivered as a mix of workshops, presentations and practical exercises provided in a respectful and supported environment. For example, you will write your own political stump speech with assistance from an expert political speechwriter, and will deliver your speech in parliament.
Do I have to attend every session of the program?
In accepting a place in Pathways to Politics for Women, participants are expected to attend all session days during the week intensive course in order to meet the requirement for completion.
What costs are associated with the program?
With a commitment to diverse female political representation right across WA, we are proud that the program is free for all selected participants of the UWA Pathways to Politics for Women. We also acknowledge that attendance can be especially challenging for those living outside metro areas, and want to ensure regional and remote women can be part of Pathways to Politics. This is achieved through support from our wonderful partner, the Minderoo Foundation, providing support to enable women from regional and remote locations to participate in the program.
What is involved with the application?
Our application is comprised of four sections:
Eligibility questions: These short questions help our Selection Committee to determine your eligibility for the program.
Experience and political journey: These questions help us understand more about your political aspirations, experience, and your motivation and commitment to run for election.
Your 'elevator pitch': You will be required to upload a 90 second video. Tell us what issue(s) are important to you and what you would highlight about your values and life experience that might connect with voters and persuade them that if elected you would make a difference.
CV: You will be required to upload your CV. Please ensure it is no longer than two pages and includes two referees.
What mentorship is available?
Throughout the Pathways to Politics for Women program you will meet a range of sitting and retired politicians and have the opportunity to ask about their first-hand experiences of navigating the challenges of political life through Q&A's and workshops.
Once you complete the Pathways to Politics program you will be eligible to apply for the Pathways Alum Mentoring program (PAM). PAM runs annually and is designed to empower and support our alums who are intending to run for office in the next five years. PAM runs for approximately eight months, with a minimum of four one-hour mentoring sessions.
Mentors from across the political spectrum are formally matched to alums to support their political aspirations by:
Understanding the mentee's political journey to date;
Providing practical guidance around potential strategies to become elected;
Providing a safe place for discussion without judgement;
Challenging assumptions and preconceptions about how to succeed;
Encouraging self-directed reflection, analysis and problem solving; and
Acting as a trusted mentor that maintains alum confidence, motivation, and resilience in their pursuit of public office.
- Contact
- If you have further queries please don't hesitate to contact us via email here. If you want more information on programs across Australia, please visit the national Pathways to Politics for Women website here.