Physics, Mathematics and Computing Industry Advisory Panels

The Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science Industry Advisory Panels are comprised of industry leaders, who contribute insight and expertise to inform strategic direction to help shape our courses and research for the benefit of students and industry. 

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Andrew Walker (Chair): RAC
Theo Anton: Commonwealth Bank Australia
Chris Chapman: WesCEF
Daniel Costantin: Harvest Technology
Tiago Domingos: Price Waterhouse
Luke Grootveld: Austal Ships
Matt James: VGW Holdings Limited
Liam Jones: Corporate Governance Risk
Shelley Kalms: Woodside
Chris Kings-Lynne: Health Engine
Dave Lester: Raytheon Australia
Simon Lewis-Jones: Bankwest
Jess Manea: Immersive Technolgies
Jason Pentony: Infosys
Mehdi Ravanbakhsh: Mapizy
Darren Roxburgh: Australian Computer Society
Michelle Sandford: Australian Computer Society
Matt Schneider: Managing Director, Optika Solutions
Tony Watson: ACS Foundation
John Wiese: Thales Australia
Arnold Wong: Australian Computer Society
Henson Yem: Tang Technology
Ivan Zelina: Micromine

Mathematics and Statistics

Carl Mackin: Australia Bureau of Statistics
Dr John Henstridge: Managing Director, Chief Consultant Statistican, Data Analysis Australia Pty Ltd

"Being on the Mathematics and Statistics Industry Advisory Panel is one way of helping to ensure that there is a new generation of well-trained mathematical scientists that Australia needs."

John has over 40 years' experience in applying statistics and mathematics to real world problems, the last 30 in running Data Analysis Australia.  Data Analysis Australia has grown to be the largest statistical and mathematical consultancy nationally, with clients in both industry and government. At various stages he has served as the Chair of the Accreditation Committee and then National President of the Statistical Society of Australia, as a member of the National Committee for the Mathematical Sciences of the Australian Academy of Science and as a member of the Technical Reference Forum for the Bureau of Meteorology’s climate change data.  A large component of his current statistical work is in the legal area, where he acts as an Expert Witness.

Geoff Riley: Alcoa
Inge Koch: Professor of Statistics and Data Science, The University of Western Australia
Lyle Noakes: Head of Department/Professor Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Western Australia
Miccal Matthews: Senior Lecturer and Programme Chair (Department of Mathematics and Statistics), The University of Western Australia
Michael Tynas: Data Science Lead, Horizon Power

“I get great satisfaction from sharing my knowledge and experiences to help the next generation in the advancement of their personal goals and society at large.”

Michael has been involved in Electronics, IT Infrastructure and Software Development for the past 40 years, and more recently in Data Science. He has particular interests in IoT Devices, Data Science and the application of data science for medical solution.

Paula McMahon: President, Mathematical Association of Western Australia
Romolo Cirillo: WAMPSP Teacher, The Mathematical Association of WA

"The biggest satisfaction I get from being on the Mathematics Industry Advisory Panel at UWA is sharing my knowledge and experience about mathematics (and STEM) education and how the changing demands/needs of the C21 impact on the Mathematics education needs of students, and teachers  in schools and Universities."

Romolo has been a secondary school Mathematics educator for 45 years' and a  life member of MAWA (The Mathematical Association of Western Australia). He is the current Treasurer of AAMT (Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers) and MAWA’s representative on the governance committee of the WA STEM Education Consortium. He has also been a Mathematics consultant for SCSA (School Curriculum and Standards Authority WA) and member of the Australian Curriculum Advisory Panel.

Suzie Harman: Principal Consultant – Curriculum and Assessment, School Curriculum and Standards, Department of Education

"The IAP has given me insight into developing and supporting connections between senior secondary maths, tertiary courses and workplace expectations."

Suzie has been teaching secondary mathematics for 26 years. Her current role at SCSA includes overseeing all aspects of ATAR Mathematics courses including curriculum, assessment and moderation. 


Quanxi Shao: CSIRO
John Burrage: Royal Perth Bentley Group
Kim Frankcombe: ExploreGeo
James Reid: Mira Geoscience
Annette Tyler: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Troy Banks: EY
Martin Ebert: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Stuart Midgley: DownUnder Geosolutions
Ben Travaglione: DST
David Crew: DST
Tom Ridsdill-Smith: Woodside
Wenjie Pang: Resonance Health Ltd
Stephen Parker: RCT
Holly Rose: Christ Church Grammar School
Voula Terzoudi: Woodside Energy
Jane Turner: Woodside Energy
David Waterhouse: Genesis Care
David Wood: Science Teachers Association
Michael Fernandez de Viana: South32
Don Pridmore: Gravity Discovery Centre Foundation
Rob Woodward: John Forrest Secondary College
Duncan Barton: Rio Tinto
James Harris: BHP
Amit Sett: BCG GAMMA
Toby Potter: Pelagos Consulting
Katharine Kelley: ICRAR
Suki Gill: WA Health
Andrew Lockwood: Woodside
Michael Garrett: Cinglevue International
Tim Hopper
Dave Matthews: DST
Michael McWilliams: CSIRIO
Neil Riste: Department of Treasury
Peter Caccetta: CSIRO
Callum Schofield: DST
Chen Wu: Amazon