Micro-credentials are short professional qualifications that demonstrate your skills, knowledge and experience in a given subject area. These qualifications can be completed as a one-off or you can stack them up towards a higher qualification. Complete a micro-credential to improve your employability and future career outcomes.
We’ve designed our micro-credentials to suit your needs. The short, affordable modules are often wholly online, so you can easily fit them in to your lifestyle.


Introduction to Coastal Engineering
This micro-credential provides professionals working in the coastal zone with skills and knowledge in coastal engineering. You will learn how to interpret observed coastal changes in relation to coastal forcing and gain an improved understanding of the technical methods used for coastal engineering and coastal hazard assessment.

Offshore Environment: The Building Blocks and Project Life Cycle of Offshore Infrastructure Projects
This micro-credential provides engineering professionals with skills and training in the offshore energy sector. You will gain an understanding of the seabed and metocean offshore environment and the project cycle from assessment to commissioning, drawing from recent research performed in close collaboration with oil and gas industry.

Coastal Physical Oceanography
In the course you will learn about the important physical processes that impact the circulation and mixing along the coastal ocean. We will also cover coastal currents, fronts and horizontal eddies that vary on time scales of days to months and spatial scales of one to hundreds of kilometers.

Site Investigation and Principles of Offshore Geotechnical Engineering Design
This micro-credential is for engineering professionals looking to upskill in the offshore energy sector. In this course you will develop knowledge of offshore site investigation as well as the principles of offshore geotechnical engineering design.

Coastal Ocean Observations
With this micro-credential you will gain introductory knowledge to coastal ocean observations. This course is ideal for practicing engineers, coastal planners and to those who want to develop knowledge on ocean observing.

Geotechnical Engineering of Offshore Pipelines
This micro-credential is for engineering professionals looking for training tailored to the offshore energy sector to further develop knowledge of offshore geotechnical engineering design.