Medical Education Unit

The MEU provides leadership and support for teaching, research, innovation, service and staff development related to the educational aspects of the Medical (MD) Program.


The Medical Education Unit (MEU) Purpose and mission: The MEU has a mission to lead and support: curriculum implementation, continuous educational improvement, teaching, research, service, medical education accreditation requirements and professional learning related to the educational aspects of the MD program. This Unit is a group of experts for the Medical School, with whom staff can consult for educational design, assessment, evaluation, peer teaching/ review and educational innovation and research.


Members of the MEU team have extensive academic, higher education teaching experience across undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and have engaged in research in teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation and have been recognised by formal university processes as being leaders in educational development. 

The team has a focussed philosophy to support and develop academic and clinical staff towards being the best, well-informed educators to make educative decisions about pedagogical and assessment practices whether they be in a traditional classroom or in the clinical environment. 

Resources for Clinical Educators and Students

Clinical supervisor

Thank you for being part of the UWA MD Community. Please view the resources to support you in supervising a student.  


Course information - UWA MD course structure and philosophy


Teaching, supervision and student support resources -Resources that guide you during your clinical supervision



Clinical mentor

The UWA Medical School has the only longitudinal mentoring program in Australia, whereby all medical students have a clinical mentor involved in the student’s professional development for the duration of the course. This program has been a popular feature of the student experience for many years from MBBS to the new MD course.

Clinical mentors are usually qualified medical doctors who altruistically dedicate some of their time to meet with medical students so that a productive mentoring relationship can develop. Just as it is essential for a medical graduate to know how to diagnose or treat an illness, they need to graduate with the professional skills that are required as an intern and beyond. The qualified doctors’ role as a mentor is to help ensure that their students have addressed and reflected on many of these areas in their professional development throughout the MD course and beyond.

Since the MD course commenced, students have the opportunity to nominate those mentors who they feel have been outstanding for a Dean’s Letter of Commendation. This year, Professor Brendan McQuillan, Head of the Medical School, presented these awards at the annual Clinical Mentor evening held in the newly refurbished Medical and Dental Library.

The Medical School wishes to thank all the clinical mentors for their dedication and altruism in supporting the professional development of the next generation of doctors.

Getting involved in medical education

There are many ways you can contribute to nurturing our future WA doctors.

  • Guest teaching - Calling for any medical and health related discipline experts to be part of the UWA world class MD Program.
  • Body donation program - The generous bequests made by our donors enable enhancement of anatomical study for:
    • medical students
    • dental students
    • science students
    • physiotherapy and nursing students
    • postgraduate surgical trainees
    • research scientists

    This in turn, benefits the whole society by training:

  • doctors and dentists
  • scientists
  • medical specialists (pathology, surgery, orthopaedics, urology and the like)
  • para-medical specialists (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing).
The generosity of donor bequests is acknowledged by the University community at a Memorial Service held every three years, and through Memorial Gardens.
  • Donations - Your support is changing the world.


MD Curriculum mapping
Mapping of all elements of the Doctor of Medicine including: learning outcomes, PLACES, interprofessional education, conditions, procedural skills, and assessments. 
MD Assessment framework
An Assessment Framework has been developed.  In 2020, guidelines and processes will focus on OSCE and written assessment item development, standardisation, and blueprinting and item analysis.
MD Evaluation, Monitoring and Quality Improvement
An Evaluation, Monitoring and Quality Improvement Framework has been developed. This framework includes a Course and Unit review process.
Educational technologies
The MEU are exploring new technologies to support assessment, and portfolios.