2020 UWA School of Agriculture and Environment Seminar Series - Environmental science

Event details


Date and time

  • Environmental science seminar series are held on Thursdays between 4 pm - 5 pm throughout the year. Express your attendance by joining our mailing list

Event type


  • Alumni
  • Business/Industry
  • Current students
  • Future students
  • Graduates or near graduates
  • Postgraduate
  • Postgraduate research
  • Public
  • Research
  • Staff
  • Studying at UWA


  • To be added to the seminars mailing list, please email us

About this Event

Environmental science seminar series focuses on solutions to the challenges and pressures facing our environment, and to support sustainable development. Through teaching and research, we are developing advanced knowledge of how air, water, terrestrial and marine environmental systems respond to human impacts. Our researchers are improving environmental quality through innovative projects with practical application, and are developing novel management technology.

Our research is focused on five key areas:


Soil and Land Management

Our teaching and research spans from the molecular to the landscape scale to understand how terrestrial environments respond to land management activities and climate change.


River and Estuary Health

We undertake teaching and research to understand how river and estuary health responds to altered flow regimes, and increased nutrient and contaminant loads.


Environmental Biotechnology

Environmental biotechnology involves using the power of micro-organisms to undertake bio-treatment of polluted soil or water. By understanding how microbes process natural and manufactured materials, we are able to better design technology for treating waste and rehabilitating degraded landscapes.


Environmental Dynamics and Eco-hydrology

Our teaching and research focuses on understanding the dynamic response of rivers, wetlands and forests to changes in water availability by measuring and modelling how land-surface interactions shape the function and stability of water-dependent ecosystems.


Environmental Sensing and Data Analytics

Our teaching and research seeks to improve the accuracy of capability of environmental measurements, and develop advanced analysis work flows to extract important signals, patterns and trends.