Coral and ocean

Jock Clough Marine Foundation Oceans Chair

A partnership between


The Jock Clough Marine Foundation (JCMF) Oceans Chair was established for the development of a substantial and well-funded research group undertaking marine research to meet a major challenge to the world’s oceans, islands and coasts.

Professor Steve Swearer, JCMF Chair

Professor Steve Swearer

Jock Clough Marine Foundation Oceans Chair

JCMF Oceans Chair Professor Steve Swearer plays a key role in guiding the development of the OI by identifying opportunities for Institutional research growth and increased research impact. Professor Swearer’s interests span the early life history of fishes to the ecological responses of coastal marine ecosystems to environmental change. His efforts are currently focussed on partnerships with government and industry to provide practical solutions for improving the sustainable management of coastal marine resources.

Oceans Chair

The role of the JCMF Oceans Chair is to foster the production of high-impact multi-disciplinary research of strategic importance to the community, government, industry, and academia.

In collaboration with the OI and relevant Heads of Schools, the Chair identifies areas where our strengths in oceans related research can be used to develop innovative and sustainable teaching programs at the Master of Science level as well as an exceptional postgraduate research student training experience.

The Chair will lead and establish a reputable internationally recognised program of cutting-edge marine research, addressing a critical challenge to ocean health. They will also build national and international research networks, collabarationships and funded partnerships around core research area.

The JCMF Oceans Chair will help drive the next phase of development of the Oceans Institute and shape its strategic development for the future.

Coastal marine ecosystems are threatened by a diversity of human pressures including habitat loss and conversion, resource extraction and climate change. Business as usual management approaches are failing to turn the tide.

With support from the Jock Clough Marine Foundation, we’re working towards solutions that will enable humanity to co-exist more sustainably with nature.

 Steve Swearer, JCMF Oceans Chair

Want to improve how we sustainably manage coastal marine ecosystems?

PhD opportunities will be available for applicants interested in:


- Improving biodiversity benefits of marine habitat restoration

- Solving environmental challenges using ecologically beneficial aquaculture

- Developing nature-based solutions for protecting coastlines

-Designing artificial reefs for marine biodiversity conservation

- Reconstructing fish life-histories for better fisheries management


Interested to find out more?


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