Awards and achievements

04/03/2025 | 4 mins

The University of Western Australia has a continual roll call of awards, scholarships and prizes presented to staff and students.

To recognise these achievements, an article is published on the UWA news page on the website and in UWA Forward on the first week of every month. If you know of great awards or achievements across the University please email [email protected]

Name: Herbert Ho-Ching Iu
Achievement: Professor Herbert Ho-Ching lu, from UWA's Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering,  has been appointed an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to nonlinear analysis of power electronics circuits and systems. IEEE is a professional organisation dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. The position of Fellow recognises distinction in the profession and an outstanding record of accomplishments in the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology with significant value to society. 

Name: Jesse Coughlan, Claudia Reedy, Max Vaughan and Sabine Singh
Achievement: UWA Law School’s team — Jesse Coughlan, Claudia Reedy, Max Vaughan and Sabine Singh –  reached the quarter finals in the national rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in Canberra. The Jessup Moot is the world's largest and most prestigious international mooting competition. The team’s performance upheld UWA Law School’s strong reputation in the competition, demonstrating a high standard of legal reasoning and advocacy. Ms Reedy received an oralist prize for her performance in the preliminary rounds of the competition. Alumni coaches included Alex Gibson and Zac Molloy-Mencshelyi, and Tiffany Chisholm-Gardner  was the junior coach. 

Name: Charmaine Green 
Achievement: WA Centre for Rural Health Research Fellow Dr Charmaine Green has been awarded the 2024 David Lyle Prize for Rural and Remote Health in the ‘Research’ category. The award recognises her excellent service and positive contribution to the University Departments of Rural Health (UDRH) network and demonstrate behaviours consistent with Australian Rural Health Education Network (ARHEN) values and priorities. Dr Green, a dedicated Yamaji Research Fellow, was recognised for her outstanding contributions to Indigenous engagement, student mentorship and rural community empowerment.

Charmaine and Luisa

Image: Dr Charmaine Green (left) and Luisa Stade from WACRH.

Name: Luisa Stade
Achievement: WA Centre for Rural Health Executive Assistant Luisa Stade have been awarded the ‘Up and Coming Staff’ category of the 2024 David Lyle Prize for Rural and Remote Health for her commitment to strengthening the UDRH network – evident in her seamless coordination of meetings, mentoring of colleagues, and efficient management of research activities and operational systems. Luisa’s passion for community engagement is reflected in her tireless coordination of outreach programs, cultural initiatives, and health promotion events and she exemplifies the values of collaboration, inclusion, and service to rural and Indigenous communities.

Name: Melissa Penny
Achievement: Chair in Child Health Research Professor Melissa Penny, from UWA’s Medical School and The Kids Research Institute Australia, has joined the WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Group. The group provides independent advice to WHO to enhance the control and elimination of malaria. The independent advisory group brings together the world’s foremost experts on malaria to provide strategic advice and technical input to WHO. The group, comprised of 16 members, serve in an independent and personal capacity and represent a broad range of disciplines, expertise, and experience encompassing many aspects of malaria control and elimination. 

Congratulations UWA staff, alumni and students.

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