Record number of Children's University students graduate

09/12/2022 | 3 mins

A record 243 Children’s University students from Albany, Peel and Perth graduated at The University of Western Australia in December, celebrating their commitment to learning. 

The students each completed a minimum of 30 hours of voluntary extracurricular learning activities beyond the classroom, completing a combined 15,700 hours across the cohort.

Children's University coordinator Artem Bourov said the children engaged with the program’s 88 community learning destinations partners and took part in on-campus holiday programs at UWA in Albany and Crawley.

“Children’s University was designed to inspire a passion for lifelong learning in primary school years students and is committed to assisting students from diverse backgrounds access higher education,” Mr Bourov said.

“Families are closely involved in the program, joining children in their learning journey and supporting their goals, with their achievements recognised each year with a formal graduation and certificates, complete with caps and gowns.”

This year, graduation ceremonies were hosted by UWA Albany on December 1 and UWA Crawley on December 5 and 6. 

Children's University students celebrate graduationImage: Children's University students celebrate graduation at UWA.

After the graduation ceremony UWA Student Life Director Lisa Goldacre, announced new funding from the Peel Development Commission to accelerate the expansion of the Children’s University in the Peel region in 2023. 

“This means more Peel schools, children and families will benefit from the program, which includes aspirational learning experiences delivered through Children’s University holiday programs and graduations,” Ms Goldacre said.

“The partnership will also include a Peel-based family learning event which is aligned to the Peel Development Commission’s goal to enhance collaboration between industry and the tertiary education sector through raising the profile of Peel as a region of thriving industry, continued innovation, investment and academia.”

UWA Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), Professor David Sadler, said the Children’s University is about the community coming together to support children through high quality and engaging extra-curricular learning experiences. 

“The program is a proven model with demonstrated outcomes that benefit students and families and UWA is delighted to be engaged with schools in the Peel region through Children’s University in primary schools and our Aspire program in high schools,” Professor Sadler said.

Grade 4 student Lewin, at Boddington District High School, spoke on behalf of graduates at UWA Crawley and said he was extremely proud to have achieved many more hours than he had originally aimed for.

“My favourite activity was doing the wind turbine challenge using the STEM Out Of The Box kit I received from Children’s University,” he said.

“Through Children’s University, I learned that there are plenty of learning opportunities just waiting to be explored in everyday life – all you have to do is have an open mind and jump outside and start exploring. 

“It truly is such an amazing program that can suit all different learning styles and interests.”

Grade 6 student, Ariana, at Grovelands Primary School, said she loved the combination of learning and having fun. 

“Through Children’s University I have appreciated that you learn so much in your daily life without even realising it,” she said.

“I’ve also been able to experience graduating in Winthrop Hall at UWA at the age of just 10 and this is my second year graduating.”

Grade 5 student Devin, at Spencer Park Primary School in Albany, said the program had taught him to never give up, to opt in and always do his best.

“I’ve learnt some very interesting information and had lots of fun as well,” he said. 

“I’ve also learned to stop giving up and putting myself down when I make mistakes. I have more self-belief and know if I try, I can do anything! 

“It’s given me a chance to meet different people and I have found out lots of cool information about the world along the way.”

Children’s University at UWA is supported by Rio Tinto. Find out more about the Children's University WA Partnership here

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