Kevin Robertson: Paintings 1984-2022
10 September – 10 December 2022
This retrospective exhibition traces the artistic development of Western Australian artist Kevin Robertson from the mid-1980s to the present day. Robertson began his career amid a resurgence of interest in the medium of painting and, more particularly, figurative painting, in Perth and internationally. In the 1980s the artist formed part of a local group known as the ‘Oddfellows’ who worked in the tradition of narrative realism, within the context of postmodernity and its eclectic range of possibilities. Over four decades Robertson’s painting practice has continued to evolve – utilising traditional aspects of the craft; while contemplating the limits of representation, and proposing new ways of visualising the world in all its mystery.
Media release
Kevin Robertson: Paintings 1984-2022 media release [PDF 494KB]
Education kit
Kevin Robertson: Paintings 1984-2022 education kit [PDF 2,162KB]
Transcript - Artist interview
Kevin Robertson interviewed by Sally Quin [PDF 297KB]
Sample chapters from accompanying book
The publication "Kevin Robertson: Painting 1984–2022" available for purchase in the LWAG shop.
The project is supported by The State of Western Australia through the DLGSC.