News and Events
Stay up to date on how we’re making WA’s roads safer with the latest findings, new potential projects, ways for the community to get involved, upcoming events and more from the WACRSR.
Using telematics to reduce risky driving behaviour in young, regional drivers
WACRSR researchers Dr Michelle Fraser and Professor Lynn Meuleners received funding from the Neurotrauma Research Program/ Department of Health WA in December 2020 to undertake a randomised controlled trial of 200 young drivers from the Great Southern, South West and Mid-West regions of WA to assess the impact of providing personalised feedback to young drivers about their risky driving behaviour, via the UA-App.
Australasian College of Road Safety news
In December 2020 the WA chapter of the Australian College of Road Safety held a meeting, chaired by WACRSR Deputy Director, Associate Professor Paul Roberts, to elect new positions and to brainstorm ideas for activities in 2021.
Thank you to those who nominated and all who voted for the committee positions. Congratulations to the successful candidates:
- Secretary – Teresa Williams (MRWA)
- Treasurer – Ed Rose (MRWA)
- Member Engagement – Terri-Anne Pettet (WALGA)
- General Officer – Fritha Argus (MRWA)
The WACRSR looks forward to working with the new committee in our common goal of helping to tackle the road safety issues in WA.