About the Institute

Our Vision

To provide research-based solutions to food and nutritional security, environmental sustainability and agribusiness.

Our Mission

To enhance The University of Western Australia’s contribution to the advancement of agriculture and to the management of natural resources in selected international, national and regional settings. For Western Australia, the Institute works with the agricultural and natural resource management sectors to create knowledge and improve workforce skills, such that those committed to agriculture may advance their individual aspirations, contribute to local and regional prosperity and exercise responsible stewardship of the environment.

Download The UWA Institute of Agriculture information booklet [PDF 40MB]

Our Strategies

  • Integration: Bringing together the University’s agricultural research and communication activities; integrating complementary activities across disciplines and organisational units, and providing a focus for leading-edge research, development, extension and adoption (RDE&A).
  • Communication: Strengthening communication links with regional industry, farmer groups and the broader regional and scientific communities.
  • Connecting: Fostering national and international linkages and alliances that bring new knowledge and expertise to Western Australia, and allow Western Australia to share its knowledge with the world.
  • Resourcing: Increasing the pool of resources available for investment in critical RDE&A in Western Australia and in relevant national and international issues.

Our People

Institute of Agriculture team

Industry Advisory Board

The Industry Advisory Board provides The UWA Institute of Agriculture with industry interaction, advice and feedback.

  • Dr Terry Enright (Chair) – Farmer
  • Rod Birch – Farmer
  • Dr Dawson Bradford – Farmer
  • Carly Veitch – Farm Management Consultant

  • Dr Ben Biddulph – Primary Industries Chief Scientist, DPIRD
  • Dr Hayley Norman – Senior Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO
  • Grey Johnston – Manager, Sales and Marketing, CSBP
  • Simon Stead – Chairman, CBH Group
  • Tress Walmsley – CEO, InterGrain
  • Neil Young – Farmer
  • Belinda Eastough – Agronomist, Elders

Theme Leaders

The Theme Leaders co-ordinate multi-disciplinary research, development and related activities across UWA’s numerous schools.

Contact us



General enquiries                      9am-5pm

(+61 8) 6488 4717


G.155, Central Wing                  Agriculture Building

Campus map


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