Economic History and the History of Economic Thought
Economic History and the History of Economic Thought Network
This network serves as a focal point for broad-reaching research in economic and business history, fostering collaboration and knowledge dissemination. Its core mission involves exploring historical phenomena to inform contemporary and future policies and practices. The emphasis lies in leveraging insights from the past to guide present decision-making.
Economic and business history, beyond its academic significance, is a crucial informant for education, policy formulation, and strategic planning. It encapsulates lessons from successes and failures, shaping effective policies and business development. Recognising that wealth creation is just one facet of progress, the Network underscores the importance of equity and fairness in economic policies, advocating for a comprehensive understanding that transcends simplistic notions of growth and entrepreneurship.
Scholars and Related Research Entities
- Convenor
- University of Western Australia Scholars
- National and International Scholars
- Dr Abel Gwaindepi (Danish Institute of International Studies)
- Dr Karen Knight (Charles Darwin University, Australia)
- Professor Malcolm Tull (Murdoch University, Australia)
- Professor Nuno Garoupa (George Mason University, USA)
- Riko Stevens (University of Notre Dame, Australia)
- Dr Rok Spruk (Ljublijana University, Slovenia)
- Dr Shane Burke (University of Notre Dame, Australia)
- Institutions
- Blue Book Digitisation Project
National Archives UK (1834-1836)
Swan River Colony
SROWA (1837-1869)
- 1837
- 1838
- 1839
- 1840
- 1841
- 1842
- 1843
- 1844
- 1845
- 1846
- 1847
- 1848
- 1849
- 1850
- 1851
- 1852
- 1853
- 1854
- 1855
- 1856
- 1857
- 1858
- 1859
- 1860
- 1861
- 1862
- 1863
- 1864
- 1865
- 1866
- 1867
- 1868
- 1869
- Capital Formation in British Settler Colonies Project
- Insert Description of Capital Formation in British Settler Colonies Project
- Exploring Western Australian Economic History via the Synthetic Control Method Project
- Insert description of project
- WA Economic History Data Project
- Insert description of WA Economic History Data Project
PhD Opportunities
Academics associated with the research network are available for supervising topics related to economic and business history, as well as its relevant intercepts.