Maintaining a vital resource for future generations
Perth is heavily reliant on groundwater, and with changing climates, it is critical for society to understand hydrogeological systems and the interactions between groundwater and surface environments. Water is vital for urban populations and industrial uses, especially the large mineral industry in Western Australia. Our reliance on water requires understanding diverse water sources, impacts of water use, sustainable allocation of groundwater resources and related aspects, such as contamination. Managing this valuable resource is important to ensure its future availability and sustainability for our population.
Our research focuses on a wide range of projects in collaboration with industry and government agencies. We work closely with the minerals industry, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation in assessing our changing groundwater uses, the impact of climate change and influence of changing land use.
- Key Staff
37th in the world for Earth and Marine Sciences (QS 2021)
2nd in Australia and 38th in the world for Environmental Science and Engineering (ARWU 2023)
Research partners
Our researchers work closely with business, industry and government partners to produce practical sustainability outcomes.