To find out more about our PhD opportunities, please contact the project lead.
Gas Hydrates and Flow Assurance for Long Subsea Tiebacks
Project description:
UWA has recently launched a long-term effort to support the development of long subsea tiebacks in the industry, with a goal of transiting hydrocarbon fluids through 100+ km subsea pipelines. Laboratory-based PhD placement opportunities are available, where a combination of micro- and meso-scopic apparatus will be used to interrogate phase transitions, reaction kinetics, and multiphase transport behaviour. Additional opportunities exist in simulation, where new methods are required to predict both phase stability and multiphase flow in complex systems.
Collect unique experimental data in the Long Subsea Tiebacks laboratory
- Develop or improve predictions of phase stability and transport phenomena
- Deliver updates to industry workshops, including the UWA Flow Assurance Workshop
- Publish experimental or simulation outcomes in leading academic journals
PhD Applicant Eligibility Criteria
B. Sc., M. Sc. or M. Eng. in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Petroleum Engineering
Project Lead Contact details:
Zachary Aman
Acting Chevron Woodside Chair in Long Subsea Tiebacks, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, UWA
Phone: +61 8 6488 3078
Deep Ocean Thermodynamics and Climate Change
Project description:
The successful candidate will undertake research on the Australian Research Council funded Discovery Project ‘Deep Ocean Thermodynamics and Climate Change’. The project, which is in collaboration with researchers at the Swinburne University of Technology (SUT), will obtain new insights into the thermodynamic and transport properties of mixtures containing water, particularly at high pressures that impact directly on our understanding of climate change processes.
Currently, the behaviour of the thermodynamic and transport properties of the world’s oceans remains largely unknown. This project aims to increase our understanding of the role of carbon dioxide dissolution on properties such as the heat capacity of seawater at very high pressures, which could contribute significantly to the accuracy of climate modeling over long timescales.
- Develop and improve predictions of properties in the deep ocean
- Interpret and analyse experimental data collected at UWA
- Publish outcomes in leading academic journals and present at international conferences
PhD Applicant Eligibility Criteria:
B. Sc. or M. Sc. in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry or related discipline.
Interest in or willingness to learn computer programming is essential.
High-quality applicants will be offered a full scholarship for work on this project.
Project Lead Contact details:
Dr Darren Rowland
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Phone: +61 8 6488 8653
Gas Hydrate Nucleation: Towards Risk-based Hydrate Management
Project description:
Gas hydrates are ice-like solids that can form within, and block, subsea gas pipelines. If a precise description of when and where hydrates are likely to form was available, a strategy of hydrate management could be viable (rather than the currently widely used strategy of avoidance). This project is focussed on the use of novel experimental apparatus at UWA for the measurement of gas hydrate formation probabilities with unparalleled fidelity. The resultant data can not only be used to understand the fundamentals of hydrate formation but will directly impact oil and gas operators by enabling a reduction of significant and costly hydrate-related overdesign margins currently placed on subsea infrastructure.
- Use state-of-the-art equipment (high pressure acoustic levitator and automated lag time apparatus) to collect hydrate formation data under a range of system conditions
- Interpret collected experimental data using physical models (e.g. classical nucleation theory) and subsequently produce outcomes with relevance for both industry and academia (e.g. predictive models, tests of theoretical predictions, insight into hydrate formation and inhibition mechanisms)
- Present/publish results in academic journals, at scientific/engineering conferences and at industry workshops.
PhD Applicant Eligibility Criteria:
B. Sc., M. Sc. or M. Eng. in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Petroleum Engineering. B. Sc. (Hons) in Physics or Chemistry.
Project Lead Contact details:
Prof Eric May
Chevron Chair in Gas Processing
Phone: +61 8 6488 2954
Experimental Analysis and Simulation of LNG Boil-off-Gas
Project description:
Natural Gas (NG) is transformed into Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to be transported in an economic way, during which Boil-Off gas (BOG) can occur. This an important phenomenon that affects the gas industry, specifically during the storage and transportation of LNG. Furthermore, it can lead into the formation of stratified layers where a sudden mixing of existing stratified layers within a liquid phase occurs (Rollover). Limited data is available in literature and models fail to accurately predict this incident. The development of reliable and detail measurements will provide significant benefits in both transportation and storage of this energy source.
This research mimicked the conditions of an LNG vessel by building and designing a laboratory BOG apparatus that will allow the study of the effect of heat flux, volume, Boil-Off gas rate and composition on the BOG. The apparatus is already built and installed where variety of LNG mixtures will be studied during transient and steady state conditions at a temperature of -162 °C and around 1 atm. These measurements will help to design an accurate model to predict this phenomenon and it will be compared to other models available in literature.
This project focuses mainly on BOG studies. Major goals are:
- Conduct comprehensive data analysis: Data analysis is key factor in this research, implementing accurate methods of transmitting the information is a key goal of this experiment. At the moment programs developed in VBA and LabVIEW have been generated, but may require upgrading to improve data analysis.
- Conduct experimental studies: experimental studies examining the effect of variable parameters on the BOG rate will be required for different LNG mixtures. This will include possible rollover phenomena, studying the effect of different amount of heat ingress on BOG rate and pressure change during self-pressurization, understanding how the BOG rate changes with the width/extent of the stratified region, and correlate the BOG rate with the temperature profile of liquid and vapor phases.
- Modelling approaches: Ultimate goal is to use our experimental data to validate BOG models. Most likely, CFD analysis will be required to enable BOG prediction under various pressure and filling conditions. BOG rate depends on size and shape of storage tank and pressure. Currently only proprietary empirical models available: if pressure or tank details change, a new curve is used to estimate the expected BOG rate. Our data are helping develop fundamental models that more reliably allow calculation of BOG rate under various real world conditions.
PhD Applicant Eligibility Criteria:
The successful applicant should have B. SC (Hons) M.Sc. or M.Eng in Chemical engineering,Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Physics. Some knowledge of experimental and/or theoretical work is desirable. Distinction for a Master degree with significant research component are highly desirable.
Project Funding:
This project is established in collaboration with Samsung Heavy Industry (SHI)
Project Lead Contact details:
Dr Sarif Al Ghafri
Research Fellow
Phone: +61 8 6488 2686
Water Management in the Resources Industry
Project description:
Issues concerning access to clean water and discharge of sufficiently clean water are pervasive across the entire resources sector. Such issues are made much more acute when the required engineering is in remote locations, which are prevalent in Western Australia.
Within the Fluid Science and Resources research cluster we have PhD projects under this research umbrella which focus primarily on novel NMR technology for discharge water monitoring – with the ultimate goal being application on unmanned platforms/sites and eventually sub-sea.
We also focus on monitoring the performance of water purification membrane systems (e.g. desalination), particularly ‘smart methods’ for the early detection of fouling events in these opaque membrane modules such that appropriate remedial action can be automatically exercised.
A common goal across this project area is the need for remote, automated sensing.
We request applications from PhD students who want to engage in this exciting research area.
PhD Applicant Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants are required to meet the standard admissions requirements as determined by the Graduate Research School.
Project Lead Contact details:
A/Prof Einar Fridjonsson
Senior Lecturer
Prof Michael Johns
Professor, DENG Cantab