Fluid Science and Resources

Understanding fluids to support complex resource recovery and minimise environmental impact


The Fluid Science and Resources research cluster in the School of Engineering has a strong track record of delivering innovative technologies that support the complex production challenges  and environmental stewardship of the energy industry.

Global energy demands are projected to increase by 50 per cent in the next 15 years, requiring further exploration and production of hydrocarbons in hostile environments.

As conventional oil and gas resources provide the input to a wide variety of industries, understanding the character and behaviour of these hydrocarbon fluids - from extraction through refining - is critical to energy security.

The Fluid Science and Resources cluster combines world-class experimental facilities with comprehensive model development, to better interrogate, risk-profile and understand reservoir performance, sub-sea production and long tiebacks, flow assurance, platform operations and LNG productions.

The group draws expertise across magnetic resonance, oilfield and production chemistry, physical chemistry, thermodynamics, transport phenomena and fluid mechanics. 

Research Areas

The cluster’s research focuses on the following four themes:

  • Flow Assurance: gas hydrate prevention, management and remediation; wax precipitation; multi-phase flow; oil field emulsions and scale management.
  • Fluid Properties: phase equilibria; reference-quality thermophysical measurements, including HPHT and cryogenic and property prediction tools.
  • Gas Separation: advanced separation process development; materials development and process simulation.
  • Magnetic Resonance: development of low-field NMR equipment and techniques to interrogate porous media and multi-phase systems including emulsions and hydrate dispersions.

Research opportunities are available for prospective students in this cluster. You can learn more by emailing the Pre-candidature team at the Graduate Research School.

Current Projects

PhD Opportunities

To find out more about our PhD opportunities, please contact the project lead.

Key contacts and funding partners

The Australian Centre for LNG Futures provides transformational benefits to Australia through collaboration, technological innovation and investment in education with industry partnership.


Related Engineering for Remote Operations Research Clusters

Contact the Fluid Science and Resources Research Cluster