Centre for Applied Bioinformatics

About us

Bioinformatics is an important component of diverse research projects in the biological and biomedical sciences. Within the centre, we support current research projects through sharing knowledge and facilities, moving away from individual bioinformatics researchers isolated in different groups towards establishing a community of researchers who can seek support from each other, building on communal experience and capability.

The Centre for Applied Bioinformatics is a virtual centre that supports bioinformatics teaching, research training, research and outreach for individuals who share similar requirements for training and access to infrastructure. The centre brings together expertise from across UWA, from 6 schools, Perkins, TKI and the Marshall centre. The Centre supports researchers at all levels and people with diverse expertise and requirements, from needing to analyse their lab data through to large scale studies using high performance computing.

Research Projects

The Centre for Applied Bioinformatics supports research and training across 6 schools as well as hospitals and associated research centres. 

Projects range from biomedical characterisation of human disease, the interaction of diverse species with their environment, evolution and adaptation, and the production of advanced crop varieties.


Scholarships and PhD Opportunities

There is a huge demand for researchers skilled in applied bioinformatics across biomedical, agricultural, and environmental domains. The Centre also supports students studying diverse biological and biomedical fields with their bioinformatics research through advice and training.

In addition to an understanding and background in the relevant area of biology, candidates should have an interest and some experience of computing, preferably with a working knowledge of Linux. Advanced bioinformatics training and the use of high-performance computing can be provided during PhD studies.

For more information, contactProfessor Dave Edwards
School of Biological Sciences
University of Western Australia 
[email protected]
Mobile: +61 (0)423 826 042




Professor Dave Edwards
Professor, School of Biological Sciences

School of Biological Sciences
University of Western Australia
Perth, 6009 


Get in touch
+61 (0) 423 826 042


Send an enquiry
[email protected]  


Professor Timo Lassmann
Academic Head of Computational Biology, Telethon Kids Institute Head of Precision Health, Telethon Kids Institute

Northern Entrance, Perth Children's Hospital 
5 Hospital Avenue, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6009 PO Box 855, West Perth, Western Australia, 6872




Send an enquiry
[email protected]