
Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology

Improving survival rates for heart stroke and blood vessel disease

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer for Australians, yet most of these deaths are preventable. Cardiovascular research at the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC) (UWA, School of Population and Global Health) works to prevent cardiovascular disease and improve treatment by mapping patterns of disease, uncovering risk factors and testing ways to improve patient health.

The Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology discipline includes researchers, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, health practitioners and students working together to provide information to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.

If you are interested in any of the cardiovascular research projects or would like to collaborate you may contact the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC). 

Current projects

Find a selection of our current cardiovascular disease research projects below, covering prevention, treatment and management. We also welcome discussion on other research project ideas.

Our current research projects include:

  • Atherothrombotic disease across the vascular territories
  • Monitoring coronary artery disease
  • Busselton Health Study
  • Management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the Indigenous population
  • Diabetes and CVD
  • Peripheral arterial disease
  • Risk Factor Prevalence Study
  • Coronary artery revascularisation
  • Chronic kidney disease and CVD

If you are interested in any of the cardiovascular research projects or would like to collaborate you may contact the Cardiovascular Research team at [email protected] and [email protected].

Students can contact the Graduate Research Coordinator at the School of Population and Global Health for more information at [email protected].

Advancing the Epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease: The AUS-MOCHA project

The Advancing the Epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease: the AUS-MOCHA project investigates the historical and contemporary trends in coronary heart disease and its subgroups, developing robust methods for national monitoring.

Industry partners

  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
  • The University of Oxford 

Contact project leader Dr Lee Nedkoff for more information.

Bettering Aboriginal Heart Health in Western Australia for Aboriginal people (BAHHWA)

The Bettering Aboriginal Heart Health in Western Australia project looks at cardiovascular disease and healthcare in Aboriginal people to identify opportunities for closing the gap.

Industry partners

  • Centre for Aboriginal Medical and Dental Health, UWA
  • School of Allied Health, UWA
  • School of Dentistry, UWA
  • Harry Perkins Institute, UWA
  • National Heart Foundation of Australia
  • Aboriginal Health Council of WA
  • Curtin University
  • Health Networks, Department of Health WA

Contact project leader Dr Sandra Thompson for more information.

The health and cost burden of heart failure and irregular heartbeat

The health and cost burden of heart failure and irregular heartbeat project is evaluating the burden of heart failure and atrial fibrillation through epidemiology, interventions, outcomes and economic analysis.

 Contact project leader Associate Professor Tom Briffa for more information.

Burden of rheumatic heart disease: Evidence to drive the RHD Endgame

Determining the health and economic burden of rheumatic heart disease in Australia project evaluates the health, economic and service burden of rheumatic heart disease through epidemiology, health economics and health systems research.

Industry partners

  • END RHD Centre for Research Excellence
  • Telethon Kids Institute

Contact project leader Dr Judith Katzenellenbogen for more information.

Burden of stroke on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

This project investigates, in four Australian jurisdictions, the burden of stroke with a particular focus on Indigenous inequalities.

Contact project leader Dr Judith Katzenellenbogen for more information.

TropED Study: Evaluating a new test for chest pain in Emergency Departments

The TropED study is evaluating the treatment, health outcomes and cost before and after the introduction of a new chest pain test in Emergency Departments.

Contact Dr Siobhan Hickling for more information.

Featured course


Cardiovascular researchers from the School of Population and Global Health collaborate with a number of national and international teams.

  • Menzies School of Health Research
  • Telethon Kids Institute
  • The University of Oxford
  • Queensland Health
  • Brightwater Group
  • South Australia Health and Medical Research Institute
  • Wardliparingga Aboriginal Research Unit
  • Baker IDI
  • Curtin University
  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
  • Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
  • Flinders Medical Centre
  • University of Adelaide
  • Fiona Stanley Hospital
  • Royal Darwin Hospital
  • Alice Springs Hospital
  • Monash University
  • Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research
  • The National Heart Foundation of Australia
  • Royal Perth Hospital
  • The Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia
  • Health Networks, Department of Health

Contact us

Dr Lee Nedkoff

School of Population and Global Health
+61 8 6488 8761
[email protected]

Dr Siobhan Hickling

School of Population and Global Health
+61 8 6488 7369
[email protected]