Modelling the Development of Subsea Shuttle
Modelling the Development of Subsea Shuttle
Status: Completed
- Wenhua Zhao
Senior Research Fellow, Oceans Graduate School, UWA - Scott Draper
Associate Professor, Oceans Graduate School, UWA
- Jeremy Feng-Yi Lee
- Calvin Kar Wing Lee
Project Description
This project investigated the hydrodynamic performance of a subsea shuttle concept, which is designed to eliminate the need for long chemical and hydraulic pipelines. In addition, this concept may be used to transport subsea structures out to remote sites cheaply. Both numerical simulations and physical model testing in the Swan River have been conducted. This project is not only a good study of this technology, but also a good example to showcase the potential value in collaborations between UWA and industry partners (e.g. Woodside, Safe Marine Transfer ).
More information about the deployment of the shuttle can be viewed here.