The first collaborative university and internally standardised livestock semen testing business in Australia launched last month, with one of three founding commercial andrology labs based at The University of Western Australia.
UWA School of Agriculture and Environment and The UWA Institute of Agriculture research associate Dr Kelsey Pool runs the WA Semen Standards Reference Laboratory at UWA’s Crawley campus as well as travelling across Western Australia to deliver on-site consultancy.
Image: UWA Dr Kelsey Pool, The University of Queensland Dr Taylor Pini and The University of Sydney Professor Simon de Graaf.
Lefroy Fellow Dr Pool’s expertise in semen assessment and sperm biology research contributes to a better mechanistic understanding of reproductive biology and provides tangible outcomes to animal production industries.
“Setting up the andrology lab was one of the first things I did after arriving in WA,” she said.
“It’s brilliant that we can use this same space for high level, molecular assays in research and assessment of commercial semen samples.
“It is a good reminder that we should – and can – apply the same high standards we use in fertility research to testing livestock reproduction in industry."
"I'm thrilled to see a commercial outcome for Australia's livestock sector stem from the E.H.B Lefroy Research Fellowship. I think it's a great way to build on research outcomes and make the most of available resources."
Dr Kelsey Pool![]()
The Reproduction Company services clients across Australia, representing more than 20 businesses, over 1000 sires and several thousand successful inseminations – with about 40 per cent of those currently in WA.
The founder and director of The Reproduction Company is The University of Sydney Professor of Animal Reproduction and Secretary General of the International Congress on Animal Reproduction Simon de Graaf.
Professor de Graaf has 20 years of experience conducting research, education and consulting in the university and artificial breeding sectors and has established a network of internally standardised semen assessment centres for the rapid analysis of samples.
“We provide state-of-the-art semen assessment services for the livestock and companion animal sectors, education and training in artificial breeding laboratory techniques (such as semen freezing) as well as expert advice to improve outcomes at semen production centres and to artificial insemination and embryo transfer practitioners,” he said.
The University of Queensland’s Dr Taylor Pini and Dr Jessica Rickard, from The University of Sydney, run the Northern and Eastern Australian laboratories.
Media references
Rosanna Candler (Communications Officer, The UWA Institute of Agriculture) +61 08 6488 1650
Dr Kelsey Pool (Lefroy Fellow, UWA School of Agriculture and Environment & The UWA Institute of Agriculture) +61 434148 017